Little Ian

Staten Fucking Island.

Tweets pointed out Kravitz’s past romantic relationship Ezra Miller, who has been accused of sexual abuse.”

thus proving he couldn’t have hurt Heard, because everyone knows domestic abusers have also abused every woman they’ve ever encountered.

Bitcoin holders need new suckers to unload their coins to.

[Repost of https://www.theroot.com/1848604411] It’s also why having friendly voices conflate the movement with one of the multitudes of organizations incorporated to further it is so disheartening. Whatever may be wrong with BLMGNF (and I suspect it’s being blown out of proportion), it’s not all of Black Lives Matter.

Yeah psychedelics and guns do not sound like a good mix. Playing around with a tool of death while are tripping balls and vulnerable is a terrible idea.

Also, if you’re going to take drugs, take drugs in a crowd that you know has your back and will protect you if things go sideways (as opposed to shooting you).

to cover your bases, you may want to warn your son about getting high, wildly shooting his AK-47, and aiming his gun as a threat at other hallucinating gun owners.

Police representatives are the piggiest of pigs. Don’t call their protection racket organizations Unions. Benevolent Association my ass. Pig cops are history’s biggest Union busters.

I expected him not to throw progressives under the bus while doing fuck all but bend over backwards for the likes of Senators Karen and Coal Mine.

I am shocked, genuinely and not sarcastically, I thought they were warming up for either a mistrial verdict or letting her off. An actual guilty verdict is amazing. It is a Christmas Miracle.

No white person should use the words of Doctor Martin Luther King to reference their dubious claims of suppression.  

“You have a moral obligation to object to unjust rules and rules that make no sense,” said the guy bitching about a perfectly reasonable and just rule that makes perfect sense.

I screwed up that internal communication.”

“I’m a bad motherfucker” is so cringey. Like, people don’t like you because you punch down, and that makes you a bad boy? Okay, Dave.

Yep. He became the people he used to rail on.

This is who Dave Chappelle is now. He’s Andrew Dice Clay. He’s not going to get better. He’s just going to keep getting more defiant and less funny.

Dave got that Netflix money, and almost immediately became an old rich white man.  

“Denzel—are you—do you feel—you know some people say Hollywood folks should stick to acting,” Couric asked”