i say its BS, Kathy wants to get rid of Giuliana
i say its BS, Kathy wants to get rid of Giuliana
that's an amazingly five years ago kind of story
Lena you are not the only one, but than a lot of people tearing up when you dress shrumpy. don't call them mean.
Lena Dunham has the temerity to snark on what an old dude wears? I can imagine she yells at her stylist "I SAID FRUMPIER!!! LESS FLATTERING TO MY BODY TYPE AND SKIN TONE!!!
I walked right past her in a Publix here in ATL a few months back. She was wearing heroine (oversized) sunglasses (at night) and sweats.
Looks like Karl Lagerfeld. And that is not a good look.
Hot take: Yolanda is the best Real Housewife ever.
i thought iggy quit twitter. why doesn't she do what lena dunham did and hire olivia pope lady?
Now whenever I see a late 90's Camaro, I hear "Bitchin' Camaro" in my head and think of Pornstache.
Come on — they'll both have a good laugh about this at the I-bank in 5 years after they've just closed the big merger that will put 16,000 people out of work....
Yasss. They can keep Brad Goreski and fire the rest.
Brad is a gift and E is squandering it.
he is a god. educate yoself.
I've heard speculation that Wes is her son — when her uncle molested her, she got pregnant and then gave her son up for adoption.
Until they showed that Rebecca was dead, I thought Annalise let her go from the basement when no one was looking. Frank as the killer came out of no where for me. Also, Wes can go home and never return for all I care.
Will Forte was also surprisingly good in the movie Nebraska.
Here's the story and video