
Uh just remember the following assholes have also voiced on The Simpsons:

Such exams typically involve inserting a speculum or fingers into the vagina to determine the presence and intactness of the hymen

So, why are these even done?

The only scenario I can see for these are arranged marriages and creepy parents; neither of which I hold in high esteem.   

I’ve been living my whole life hearing about millennials being lazy, entitled, and sensitive. Ok Boomer has at least 20 more years before we are even.

As long as Boomers act exaggeratedly offended when they hear it, OK Boomer will live on.

Guy sounds like a massive child. What an absolute idiot.

As a former Floridian, Amendment 4 infuriates me. Activists assumed plain language would be enough to get the peoples’ will done. But they left a gaping loophole for dishonest assholes to thwart the intent. This happens time and again. Stop giving republicans, reactionaries and bigots the benefit of the doubt. Assume

Here’s another laugh for you:

“Today the NYPD was stabbed in the back by the very same people we swore to protect,” Sergeant Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said

Can I ask Ed Mullins a serious question: Can you look me and every NYC citizen in the face and honestly say that there are no members of your force that don’t do shit that needs to investigated? That there are no loose cannons or cowboys in your ranks? That not one arrest or search of a man or woman but specifically

The only cops that have to worry about oversight are criminal cops. If these cops are worried about their criminality being exposed, they should just quit.

It’s long past time for us to purge our country of all the honors and honorifics of the traitors from the Confederacy and its aftermath. Pull down the statues. Rename the roads, bridges, village squares, and, ESPECIALLY, military bases!!!

...or the cops might just kill you INSIDE your home after your neighbor calls for a welfare check because you left the front door open to get a breeze.

No, your way of seeing the world sucks these days.

Every parent of black kids makes sure they know that cops are racist and carry lethal force. It’s a matter of survival. My kids have been instructed to be polite and cooperative but to know their rights as well. Sanders was not asked to address policy around police killings he was asked to deal with the question on

I mean, this is exactly what my parents tell me. Whether I get pulled over by the cops, or ICE they tell me to be respectful, to always carry my ID and my passport so they know I’m a U.S citizen.

What should Bernie have said mouth off you will be ok? He acknowledged the police might kill you, that there is a problem with police violence against the blacks. This is a guy that got arrested for chaining himself to a black lady in 1963 to fight for affordable housing. This isn’t some out of touch politician that

“Is that all it takes to put an end to the numerous MURDERS of black people at the hands of police officers?”