
My grandmother was worried I would turn out to be gay because, like, my mom let me wear a beret or something when I was 4. My dad was convinced Trump couldn’t win, no matter how hard I tried to explain it to him, and has been surprised that some of his white friends turned out to be shitty ass Trumpsters. A bunch of

it’s always going to baffle me why guns and violence and outright gore are hunky-dory for the wider audience, but implied sex continues to be off-limits.

Collin Peterson of MN is a Blue Dog Dem. Tell me more about how it’s so important to keep backing these shitty anti choice Dems for that all important majority in the chamber.

Fuck every asshole that tells me I have to sacrifice my uterus for the greater good of your personal slice of “heaven” in a red state. For the

Feel like dropping these folks a line? Giving them a phone call? Phone calls are best, they HAVE to answer the phone and they HAVE to listen to you. Just be polite, calm, and use your good words.

How did they not call it Nubasaurus.

Like I said, Steam became the market leader by creating a platform that appealed to customers, developers and publishers alike. It certainly didn’t start that way but back then, there wasn’t really any precedent for digital distribution. Valve did actually pay for some timed exclusives in the early days, like

At this point, there are so many other things to play that I might as well wait until they discount the hell out of it.

I knew him in high school. He was an entitled douche who ran because his father had the position before him. I can still picture the DUNCAN HUNTER signs with the tiniest little “jr” on them. I doubt most of the people in that district even realized who they were voting for. He was always one of those people who was

Not like he learned anything, but it goes to show you that the US Government stopped caring for its citizens a long time ago. Duncan is a Millenial example of his general apathy, materialism, and his disregard for self-responsibility if it doesn’t benefit him. Money/Power easily trumps ethical concerns for the

You’re seriously insulting the man for health issues? I mean, what the fuck is actually wrong with you? This anger goes far beyond political discourse. I’m sorry Bernie Sanders personally shot your dog, or your mom, or whatever it was.

After saying that she was prepared to violate their right to privacy, she said that she wanted her own privacy protected, and tweeted out her phone number. If someone tried to explain the word “irony” to her, she would clearly be too dumb to understand it. The combination of bigotry and stupidity would certainly

What a load of bollocks - that wasn’t ‘free speech’, that was a teacher misusing her authority and access to the personal information of MINORS in an attempt to inflict harm on her students because of racial bias, not to mention openly declaring in a PUBLIC forum that she was prepared to violate students’ right to

That first one jumped out at me, too. Regardless of the fact that she’s a raging bigot, if she’s that stupid, she can’t be trusted to teach kids how to breathe.

Because she’s incredibly stupid along with being xenophobic and a bigot.

He’s nothing more than Log Cabin Republican. And he knows nothing about Black people. And Castro, a superior candidate, who actually understands black people is barely getting any traction.

Sounds like it will finally be ready when it launches on Steam

I see sissy boys are trying to set me out for being an unrepentant MAN

Black women have been at the forefront of every single Black movement, with the exception of this “he-man woman hater” hotep bullshit.

Guy like this think having a dick & balls is an accomplishment. Like he was born flat like a Ken doll and had to grow them from scratch.