
Holy hell, is this guy real?

I’m going to assume that in this other timeline that tragically means thankfully.

I don’t believe it’s about the fetus. I think it’s about themselves and their ludicrous belief that by persecuting others who are going through difficult times they will have assured themselves a place in that fantasy land of the sky.

Any way to get this on Samsung phones?

Here’s a tweet from the developer of Skatebird.

Oh, they’ll do that even if he is re-elected. They’ll feel embolden and therefore can do what they want.  Either way, I am confident this election will have violence.

Apparently so did Venezuela, which is just ironic considering all that is going on there right now. lol. Still, it’s pretty awesome to see this. Hopefully a few more countries will start issuing these toward us. Perhaps after we’ve been knocked down a few pegs we’ll get our act together. (Not holding my breath on that

This article is bad, and you should feel bad for writing it.

It’s not the same because it’s true.  Enjoy the reading.

Not that I know anything about running companies, public or private, but I wonder if they could even do that now with all their investors?

I was wondering that too. My guess is that some “rule” prevented it.

WTF, are they chugging milk?  Wtf does that mean?

I MUST see the new one in theater just for the monster fights on the big screen. :)

Oldie but a goodie

Oh no, that jackass gets to suffer with the rest of us. They don’t get to first feel numb before succumbing to the sweet release of freezing to death.

This, right here, sums the entiretiy of the bullshit of Greene’s comparison. This is ultimately all that needs to be said about it. Hopefully someone has said the same at every copy of the article on the internet.

Thank you.  Those should be a great help.

It’s not a spine they need to grow, it’s a moral and humane conscience. The repubs aren’t afraid, they love what DJT does. They just hate that he’s loud about it.