
You’re in LA? If you know, would you be able and willing to point me to who I contact to volunteer in helping out with Collins-Greenup’s campaign for Sec of State and probably with the governorship next year? I’m in East Baton Rouge if that helps.

At the time of my reading of your post, you had 69 stars. I was very conflicted about clicking that star.

Love that Ghostbuster outfit.  The Western Catwoman and Batman is a cool take.  I look forward to the video coming.

Dangit, I tried to gif, but to no avail.

According to Snopes, it is not. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised had it been. The guy pictured is apparently a “comedian” who tends to fake stunts.

Perhaps we need to include being spit-on in the training for police. I mean, if they are just going to act the same way as the average person when dealing with confrontation then I’m curious as to why we need police.

Now playing

Just to make this better, do you recall the Prime Minister that Trump pushed out of his way at Brussels? I’ll give you one guess as to what country that Prime Minister is from.

Now playing

I thought this statement couldn’t be real and you were just being hyperbolic. So I went and listened to the clip........ I kind of wish I hadn’t.

why the fuck does it take a commenter to ADD this to the page. Then multiple commenters to make sure it gets to the top. this should be a no-brainer WHENEVER REPORTING ON SUICIDE.

Why has this not been a thing before now? Genius!!!!!!! I have put a reminder in my calendar.

Aren’t there a couple of photos with Trump not placing his hand over his heart during playing of the national anthem until several seconds in while everyone else had theirs at the start? I believe one was at a GOP debate and the other at the White House. Also, unlike this one, neither is photoshopped.

There should be a line added to the Pledge of Allegiance.

They seemed to believe they were protesting “Safe Spaces” on collage campuses. In reality, they were just showing how idiotic they were.


There’s a wingnut legend that Obama ate dog when he was in Indonesia. I assume that has metastasized into “Muslims eat dogs”.

Saw this on the news just yesterday.