
Running directly to the “unhinged” attack absent tractable evidence says an awful lot, but I’m just gonna go ahead and let your comments speak for themselves.

He’s not obligated—he just made a big deal out of it and tried to parade his relationship-focued purity as an excuse for what is, at its base, sexist bullshit.

Stream with whomever you want—just don’t offer some Mike Pence level horseshit as an excuse and expect people to applaud you for it.

Thus influencers writ large. The goal is to emphasize the positive whilst burying the negative deep, all while howling about “keeping it real.”

Fuck the artifice of online culture.

Here’s the thing I don’t get about Ninja’s desire to “not put his wife through that.”

Different relationships have different concerns, obviously, but one of the few things that should be static is the expectation of (and trust in) fidelity, assuming that’s what both parties want in a monogamous setting.

My wife is a

What a little weakling. Makes a big production of interacting with one woman on Twitch and leaves the one who criticized him out to soak up the slime that his fan base excretes.

There can only be one Mike Pence.

But, as an unbiased observer, Andrew Yang was the big winner. It would be a shame if more people within the party didn’t take a long look at him, and to be quite honest, ignoring him reeks of racism.

You don’t see any plans by Bernie to improve the lives of Black people? How about expanding affordable housing programs? How about no out-of-pocket expenses for medical care? How about banning for-profit prisons and cash bail? How about creating a federal database of police killings? How about criminalizing civil

The poll shows Bernie is taking the young general vote, and Biden is taking the old general vote. Seems likely that there is a divide within young and old black voters similarly, but the poll does not go into the age demographics of the black voters specifically. I’d put more stock into the young people as opposed to

Maybe they care about policies? Novel idea I know.

How is dropping actual legislation not explaining his plan?

The level of fear that this person has of Sanders always blows my mind!

lol you mad , keep crying those white tears (i know you white everyone knows youre a troll)

Im sure we'll hear from all those good cops shortly...like with every other instance...just waiting.

“The officer, who has been with the Fort Worth police since April 2018, was responding to a call about a residence with an open door.”

Another grey replied to you with the ludicrous statement that “only a few dozen dead per year is not a crisis”.

They’re mad because their preferred Kinja troll watering spot was shut down and so they’re flailing around looking for a new spot to roost. Dismiss them all.

Children have potential to become something useful.

don’t insult the children by saying Trump acts like one of them.

The idea that someone who WALKED over 1700 miles, through jungles, deserts, and avoiding bandits, is going to see an 10 foot wall and say to themselves “well that’s it I’m turning around and walking home” is just silly.