
You know what, ghouls at the Washington Times (owned by the Moonies the last time I checked)? I have a girlfriend who is in the fifth out of seven years of discharging personal bankruptcy (unpaid medical bills from before she was full-time, of course.) Do you know what is included in her fixed expenses budget every

I live in Minneapolis and I love it here. I love the diversity and the culture. And it sickens me, physically, to think of Trump and his base of lunatics and bigots thronging for a night of malice and hypocrisy in our Target Center. My friends and I have claimed as many of the seats as we can, but will not attend, as

Minneapolis is ready for the asshat in chief, don't you worry.

You know, in reading the pledges of the Oath Keepers (the 10 orders they will not obey) I was reminded of the words of Martin Luther King Jr. in speaking to some white supremacist through the bars of his cell at the time (I’m paraphrasing): You should be marching with us.

Worse (to me) were the ones who said that Lord Dampnut would be so bad that the populace would automatically go further left after him.

Oh, give it a rest, Vladimir.

Refusing money from donors is a good thing. Trump will always have money. It’s the one thing Republicans have more than hatred.

If their mission really was to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” they’d be calling for Trump’s impeachment as he is the biggest threat to the constitution.

That’s the thing, isn’t it? We all saw this coming. But so did the white supremacists and fascists. They were banking on it. The only people who were “fooled” were the wealthy elites who propped Trump up because they thought he would be great for their coffers, and could be reined in, as well as the centrist liberals

There’s a parallel story here that I can’t find enough information on. Minneapolis, after seeing what Trump had done to other cities, refused to foot the bill for the additional police security detail. They instead told the owners of Target Center (where the rally is being held) that they were on the hook for the

President Xi, you’re very articulate for someone writing in a second language.


nah son

Because I know you’ll just dismiss if I reply to you: If finding it hilarious what a dipshit you are and mocking you for it is sad, then yup, I’m totally sad!

Quick, count the number of dipshits who think they’re clever commenting on this article! Poor TadBravo’s rustled jimmies lol what a fucking dumb dumb

Everything is political. Their problem was being wrong. 

It was going to be political no matter how they went about acknowledging it. It just so happens that they chose the side that suppresses the voices of the people and quashes democracy.

Throwing this out there that another dev of the Gods Unleashed digital card game is giving the guy the money taken from him by Blizzard and an invite to their invitational:

Well I know I’ve found my line. It’s a shame because I was really excited for Blizcon and shit but the only way businesses are going to learn to not bow to China’s authoritarian whims is if the customer base punishes them greatly for it. Some mouthbreather is probably going to come in to the comments with the tiresome