
The dog is a more thoughtful and articulate speaker.

Senator, I don’t know why you came on here to just personally attack the press and avoid answering questions about what’s happened here,” Todd said.

Want to learn a new one I just picked up at Gateway Pundit? Pour some fresh coffee and get a dose of this.

When they turn on him it will happen in the blink of an eye. Then they’ll all act like they were against Trump from the beginning.

The right wing have lost their minds. Conspiracy theories are all they have left. Fuck them and everything they “stand for”.

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t know if polarizing actively captures the fact that anyone who supports the Republicans or any other far right party is openly advocating for the harm and outright extermination of minorities.

His lips are moving.

Remember when Democrats went around saying “We won, suck it up!” and “Still your President, losers!” after Obama won twice? Yeah, me either. But Republicans threw more tantrums for 8 years of Obama, despite the fact the only thing he did was create jobs, rescue us from the Republican Recession, create a better

His tell that he’s lying is when he attempts to communicate.

im still expecting him to get re elected

The funny thing is that this excuse doesn’t absolve him at all. It’s not a crime to talk to a foreign leader, so it doesn’t matter if Perry asked him to make the phone call. If he’s trying to claim that Perry asked for him to extort Ukraine over election interference, that means Trump is so susceptible to suggestion

Imagine that, you wear clothing showing your support of a misogynistic ass; and educated women want nothing to do with you.

‘Profiling’ Trump Supporter

if you’re diving... and give a symbol other divers know to mean something. you’re fucking fine.

if you’re hidden behind a costume, and slip a sneaky OK symbol on a black kid’s shoulder while their family snaps photos.

you’re a piece of shit.     

Exactly because we gave them a say in our governance after their failed war and the only say they should have gotten after that is GO POUND SAND!!!

Thank you I am so tired of these people who couldn’t run 50 yards without having a coronary threatening war.

The least educated, least healthy, least populous shitholes of the country think they can win a civil war. Bring it. And this time we should finish the job.

And here’s how to handle trolls on Kinja that aren’t built to have decent interactions with other people. 

Been saying this for a while. I really don’t see any scenario now where his administration ends without political violence.
Impeached and removed? Coup.
Loses the election? Fraud, basically a coup.
Refuses to leave office in 2024, has to be removed? Coup.
Big Mac and Diet Coke-induced heart attack? Man that healthy, dying