
Transcript from final meeting:

See? This is what frustrates me. How come it’s okay for Hillary to stay as long as she liked against Obama? He won still won somehow, and they both went AT IT in 07/08! Think about it. Tone deafness? I’m brown. Mexican-American. I don’t remember Hillary making me feel like she had my best interest at hand more than

As usual the party will be brought kicking and screaming to what the people want, and will be forced to acknowledge the power of progressives and gasp... “socialists!” in their midst. They will hate it, but the party must grow to survive, and the whitehouse will be barred to democrats for a long time if they refuse to

Terrible idea. We need every base of support fired up for as long as possible. Picking a candidate to early will cause a huge drop off in attention from voters, that’s why coronations are the worst type of elections for establishment candidates.

Both you and he and your cult can go fuck yourselves.

You seriously don’t think the DNC is corrupt at all in any way?  That anyone that thinks that is Bernie Sanders cultist?  Do you understand how insane you sound?

Yes, because criticism never helps anyone... I mean seriously anyone who criticizes a huge corrupt organization never helps... ever.

that was Obama’s theory, yes. that Republicans really wanted merit-based immigration policies, and if he demonstrated he shared that value, he would take that plank from the Republican party. then some guy came down an escalator screaming about how all mexicans are rapists and criminals, and, well, here you are.

The big, beautiful, thirty foot tall, unscalable, concrete wall that Trump totally fulfilled his promise to build and Mexico gladly paid for put a stop to that!

that reminds me, where is that caravan I was assured was going to rape and kill every trump supporter’s family by the end of 2018. fuckers are taking a while to get here.

These judges are fucking morons. If you have piecemeal net neutrality then you don’t have net neutrality. The big companies will dominate and the rest of us will be lucky to have enough bandwidth to post on Twitter because setting up websites to do e-commerce on a single proprietor scale is going to be prohibitively

Yes, firing a comedian who used racial and homophobic slurs is going to lead to genocide.

Gillis engaged in textbook racism. I’m not saying he should be cast out into the hinterlands, I’m saying that he deserved to be fired from SNL. Did you listen to what Gillis said? Did you read his “apologies”? 

“Regressive left?” Leftists don’t say that.

1) Go to your job and say what Gillis said and see if your boss doesn’t fire you. Gillis is also bad at his job (he’s not funny).

1) I said I make jokes like the one Yang makes but about Jews, to fellow Jews. I don’t go out on national TV and make cringey jokes.

When will people realize that the trope of “we have to court the white working class (male) vote or we will lose” is bullshit? We have to turn out OUR BASE. And we win. Obama did that twice. With the media deriding him for not winning enough white working class voters the entire time. And the Obama/Trump voter is so

I will vote for whomever is the nominee.  I always do.  But in the interim, during the primaries, I’m going to advocate for the “not Biden” candidate(s).

I was listening to the last deabte as I was driving home and when Yang said, “I’m Asian, so I know a lot of doctors”. I actually said, “holy shit”. I’m Jewish and I’ll make jokes like Yang did, but I wouldn’t do it in mixed company.

There are a fair number of white nationalists and alt-right guys who are dating or married to Asians. It seems like cognitive dissonance, but it’s a real thing.