
“I’m afraid my party is about to undertake the same kind of purity-driven exercise, whether in the presidential primaries or in the primaries our own incumbents face.”

I have no interest in meeting a party full of willfully ignorant nihilists halfway on pretty much anything.

Uh how can you enforce a “Castle Doctrine” if it isn’t your fucking Castle? Again why the fuck are people determined to help police continue their fuck ups no matter what? Murder was always going to be hard to pin on this bitch but her ass is likely going to walk thanks to the Chad’s & Becky’s on the jury. I thought

I repeat, primary this motherfucker.

The thing is....they want a war. A holy war. Obama didn’t do it to them like they were hoping; the promised uprising never materialized. They’ve got all of these metaphorical white sneakers and end time plans and no party to attend.

Said the man who has no qualifications for his current job.

Is this some kind of joke? The cowards are speaking on background like we give a fuck. They realize this will backfire and increase her popularity, right? lol

“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’”

That would be pretty amazing, well at least until I had to go to prison for murdering Ashton for the past 3 years spent in the destruction of our democracy.

The 1/3rd or so of Americans who don’t believe Trump is hopelessly corrupt probably are not going to buy that it is a quid pro quo unless it is explicit, and maybe not even then. 

I am thinking all of this(including his deciding to run for president in the first place) would have been solved if he had taken and passed a civics/US government course.

I cannot wait for the day this motherfucker is fully in the rear view mirror of history, and we toss Republicans out the door as many as we can like they’re a psychotic ex’s crusted underwear littering our home.

Apparently the White House is now saying they’ll release a redacted version of the whistleblower complaint sometime this week.  Gee, why does this all sound so familiar?  Where are those “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” idiots now?

This is something never before discussed in national politics:

Motherfuckers are playing checkers but they imprisoned the black pieces and tried to deport the red pieces

Bro... Bro...

Trump is a traitor, Moscow Mitch and the republicans are traitors and Fox loves treason.

I can’t wait to hear all the usual suspects on the “Christian” right to object to feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, showing mercy to the criminal, and aiding the widowed and the orphaned. I’m sure the U.S. being a “Christian country” will continue to just mean being anti-abortion (something the Bible never

He thinks he’s innocent because in his mind, he never said “investigate Biden’s son or you’re not getting aid.” This is pretty on brand with Trump; he’s never explicit in what he says, but the people around him know exactly what he means. Then they get to go and do the dirty work for him. So if Guiliani or Barr end up