
Oh well, there’s no expert analysis of it and you’ve anecdotally forensically analyzed the results with your Ph.D. in Shitposting, so I guess that means that your underinformed opinion is more valid than my underinformed opinion.

What’s been “abusive”? Who’s “screaming”? I get you don’t want to give an actual reason other than speculating about awful things which you imagine could happen. But accepting your conspiracy theory about some sort of concerted campaign of online voter fraud, why poll members at all? Why not just say up front the

What do you think they said in the Medium post which explained why they can not/will not release the voting breakdown between “leaders” and “supporters”? Because it wasn’t clear from the post what technical roadblock is preventing a more detailed explanation of how the votes were counted. But you seem to think it was

Wait that's really problematic and essentially the problem of the super delegates. Why the heck would they do a system like that?

It’s fair to condemn any potential-and I mean potential as theres no proof provided-racism and say their lack of transparency sucks and is suspicious at the same time. I can do two things.

I read how they process their votes, “In the WFP’s ranked-choice voting system, the party’s national committee, which consists of 56 people, has equal weight with the party’s members and grassroots supporters, who number in the thousands.” (from the Salon article). 56 people =1000's in this voting system. Doesn’t seem

I smell a rat.

So basically if you’re white, then black is the new black.

We are governed by a party that is little more than pathetic white men whose peak was bullying kids as a 16 year old, and the girls that had no self esteem and worshiped these tools.

Good if they want to compare themselves to the brave men and women that risked their lives in the Civil Rights movement they should be treated the same. What do I mean by this? I want hoses, snarling attack dogs and the police to descend upon these harpies and give them a taste of what those men, women and children

Fear NOT, ye peoples afraid of vaccines! I HAVE THE ANSWER!

Yes, please list the names of the scientists, their background, and who they work/consult for. 

I’ve got a list of scientists you can “listen to” who will tell you that climate change is NOT caused by man releasing too much CO2 into the atmosphere. Will you “listen” to them..?

You mean that list of scientists that is mostly not climate scientists, and includes several non-scientists?

Let’s make a deal. If your home sinks or catches fire due to climate change, nobody comes to save you. 

Whenever I see folks like Greta or David Hogg or even someone as relatively mature as Stacey Abrams, I feel better about getting old and dying. People younger than us are wayyyyyyy qualified to take over!

That’s why Graves is the only one braying laughter at his stupid picking-up-trash joke.... She’s just staring at him like he’s a fucking moron, because he is. She doesn’t have that “automatic smile” problem that most girls and women are conditioned into by that age. Blessed be!

So tired of politicians who don’t realize how liquids and gases work. Any trash dumped into the ocean by anyone becomes everyone’s problem. Likewise, any pollution spewed into the air by any country becomes everyone’s problem. All of that circulates around the globe. Unless you’re breathing out of a purified compressed

Fun fact: My hero Greta Thunberg has Aspberger’s syndrome (true story), which in this case she uses as a superpower, cause Greta has zero fux to give.