
Once again, absurd sounding conservative accusations turn out to be 100% projection. It’s like clockwork.

Yeah, I was just pointing out the irony given the during the Obama presidency there was a “FEMA concentration camp” conspiracy making the rounds that Obama was taking white people, putting them in camps and sterilizing them and/or “dissidents” who opposed Obama.

You do realize that his bitching is actually strictly about Trump/Kushner properties having homeless outside of them? He couldn’t actually give a crap about anyone else’s and, in fact, would probably relish seeing them outside of competitor properties so that he could point out the fact.

Bingo. To them, all of history is the “creation” (with the labor of others) and accumulation of big, shiny Great Things by big, shiny Great Men. Homeless people do not accumulate prestige and Greatness, therefore they are not just a zero but a negative value, disrupting the Greatness of their surroundings. It becomes

I think he is putting the source every problem to immigration ( the non-white and poor kind), if it is bad, it comes from the outside, beyond the wall ( he will not be bothered with actual facts about the origin of the homeless or the structural issues that can make them homeless).

You’re quite the mental gymnast to go through the mental gymnastics required to go through another’s mental gymnastics. THAT is fucking impressive.

Tell me that doesn’t sound EXACTLY like a piece from “The Onion”.

I think he’s saying that ALL homeless people are undocumented immigrants. Trump hates poor people: he has openly said as much. So, following the ‘logic’ of his ossified brain: Poor people > homeless people>Bad People (not even ‘people, really)> [hard right turn] “homeless” means they never had a ‘home’ here because

“Where people in those buildings pay tremendous taxes,” Trump continued.

And this is the nauseating and utterly repugnant apotheosis of the ever-more common view by Republicans that inanimate objects are more important than people. This is why they criminalize property crime and protest, while ignoring or excusing the terrible results of gun violence. This is why they want to gut

I mean ... I know why they’re running after him. They love his grievance “politics”, they love that he validates their racism, there are a whole bunch of Democratic and Independent so-called “progressives” who don’t understand or appear to underestimate or are in denial about (or are complicit with - see generally

“She never treated me nicely”

Ask yourself, “Who are the “evil people” mentioned in the post?”

Just in case anybody was wondering what malignant narcissism with a cult following looks like

Yes, I’m sure the extremely rural Trumpist used it in a totally innocent and non-racist manner.

Agreed. However, the guillotine is very French. Very European. Very eat the rich. If you’re quoting MAGA, that’s not your aim. He purposely chose something that had a very American racial connotation.

The Bernie one just reinforces the fact that the average rock star is old as shit.

Garbage in, garbage out.

The anti-union bullshit of the last twenty years literally caused the death of the American middle class. We can trace all of the hyper-acceleration of the wealth gap back to the death of unions. And we can trace the death of unions back to dirty money “right to work” campaigns bought and paid for by billionaires