
Wow, you are a blistering idiot. Really great evidence of the fact that the US‘s education system is utter garbage.

I’ve grown tired of the “grief porn” that this day has become. For the record that is not my term. I worked with a woman who lost her brother on that day and she explained to me why she came up with that term. She basically said she got tired of politicians and the 9/11 families turning this day into a spectacle. She

He’s not worth looking up. He’s literally nobody who shows up once a year to read some names at Ground Zero. That is to say he’s literally been milking the fact that his mother was murdered 18 years ago and apparently thinks it’s an appropriate time and place to take pot shots at a Black woman based on a right-winged

 fuck them. I pay my taxes on time and (unlike most conservatives) without complaint; that should give me a pass from doing any ass-kissing or jingoistic bullshit. 

Imagine how rotten your heart must be - how spiritually stunted your soul must be - to use the time to honor your murdered mother to score political points based on an utter lie.

This motherfucker (I mean, memory humping is kinda fucking, right?) has the nerve to say that shit to score some easy points with flyover country racist shitbags while willfully neglecting that, even though 19 muslim men might have killed some 3k people, the US Army and related entities killed literally millions of

While on the surface, Mr. Haros seems to have spoken from a position of pain and sorrow, the message on his shirt suggests otherwise. Where is the indignation against Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee, who would not support funding for 911 1st responders? Where is it? He ended his speech with, “For God and

These people are just fucking miserable human-shaped entities, aren’t they?

Unfortunately, that’s a usual thing. Far too many white people in this country question and demand proof of Black people’s loyalty to this country; that is when they’re not demanding gratitude.

There was never confusion in her answer. “Some” Muslims perpetrated the attack. Not “all” Muslims. The confusion seems to be on his part, that he can’t seem to understand the difference between “some” Muslims and “all” Muslims.

Keep typing those replies, greys! I love dismissing paragraphs of unread nonsense!

A few days after the 9/11 attacks, my uncle rolled into the lobby of the condominium building along the Jersey shore where he has owned a unit for +20 years, a couple doors down from my own family’s summer place. He noticed most of the units had American flags set up outside front doors and balconies.

9/11 affected all of us. We’ve all been forever changed.

I bet you say things like “not all men” and “not all white people” - or think them - a lot.

America is and always has been a racist country. On a day we remember the victims and heroes of that grim day, Twitter eggs and people who actually should know better are coming at Rep. Omar, a proud American, as if her loyalty to her country is something she must prove at every turn.

There's a particular vocabulary of outrage that most politicians speak surrounding 9/11. Omar chose not to speak it on one occasion, and disingenuous people took it as an opening to attack her. That's all this is.

The real way to remember the victims of 9/11 is for the “True Patriots” to skip memorials while others attend to hold a secret vote.

Way to exploit the death of a loved one just to “own” someone on a false pretense. Pathetic carrion.

He is polling at 15% with black men. If that holds or worse improves he gets re-elected. Between the purity Dems and the misogynists we are fucked. For all the black men that claim you love and support black women you ass kissing, foot shuffling, coons have a funny way of showing it. You didn’t come out for Stacey

“I think it’s important to stay focused on the money and not on the message,” Austin Lane, president of Texas Southern University, told Politico. “We’re here to find out, most importantly, if there’s money to access, where is it and how do we get it.”