
That’s one of the most frustrating things about him. Even if he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about refugees, the environment, art, history, etc., he desperately wants to ingratiate himself with those who do (world leaders, hollywood celebs, old NY families, etc.) He’s such an idiot for not realising he can buy cheap points

Trump established a charity to try and show off and impress wealthy Manhattanites who all run charities, but he failed because he didn’t realize that self-dealing and personal enrichment wasn’t the point of a charity.  Now he’s in charge of US policy for events like this, and he’s still too stupid to realize that

I think this is pretty straight forward:

Should have asked him “as a soldier, as a veteran, as a West Point graduate” how he feels about Trump fleecing the military by robbing military construction project funding to pay for a stupid unnecessary wall (and also fleecing the military to line his own pockets by making his Scottish resort a military refueling

There are no good guys in this story.

Mattis is wildly oversimplifying what happened, which doesn’t suit his narrative as well as “they didn’t listen to the military”. It was the Obama administration’s diplomatic failures in Iraq, particularly with Sunni discontent, rather than the troop withdrawal that gave space for the Islamic State expansion. The

Sure many of us would love to see the US be a global leader in the fight against climate change.

Is it ironic that the statue representing the stock market appears strong and impenetrable until someone comes along and gives it a good beating, showing it to be ultimately hollow?

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Unless you are Trumpity Dump Dump, you have to have a permanent filter in place. It’s a bizzaro mirror world where because one blatantly racist dementia victim with a massive persecution complex and a deeply deserved ingrained inferiority issue has been elevated to “president”, every other person running against him

The overwhelming majority of these immigration offenses are civil violations and misdemeanors at worst. ICE is a rogue agency that is terrorizing people.

Is that really true? Damn, that’s genius. But still relatively evil.

Japan is known for its multi-generational family-owned corporate entities. How do they make that work? Every once in a while they will ‘adopt’ a competent adult into the family to run the business. Because most often third generation inherited wealth heirs live spoiled dissolute lives and are of no practical use to

The average redhat will see these “tactics” and consider it yet more evidence of a corrupt lamestream media out to get Daddy Trump and his fellow conservative cult members.

My folks live in Tucson and i like to hike in the hills/mountains around town, where the well off snowbirds live. Its astonishing how many folks i see open carrying at coffee shops, grocery stores, everywhere out there. These are rich, exclusive enclaves that are heavily, heavily policed, and yet ppl are so afraid

Two Points: 1) no shooter in the history of shooters has ever said “better go to a gun free area, I don’t wanna get shot at!”. But, you know, can’t tell the GOP that, because it relies on having a logical train of thought.

96% of mass public shootings...occurred in “gun-free” zones

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!