
Yes, I’m sure there would have been no outrage whatsoever if Valve hadn’t made that comment. Nobody would have taken issue with a game being pulled from Steam at the last second and placed on an objectively inferior platform. Definitely no cause for anger there.

Why do none of these great retro revivals have online co-op? 

This Epic white-knighting is getting pretty gross.

Imagine twisting Epic fracturing the 3rd party PC space into something to blame Valve for. Yet another embarrassing “article” from Kotaku on the subject. The bending over backwards the games media is doing for Epic is absurd. 

1. I forgot Valve even made that statement(about what 8+ months ago?)

Eh. A nothing report. And the review bombs didn't start with Steam/Valve and while that comment was definitely a lightning rod, it was far from a catalyst for these bombs. That shit was already happening. 

it was simply stating a fact that it was unfair to wait until after the Steam pre-orders had been processed to decide to not fulfill them...in that microcosm it makes sense...but there was also the whole bitchfest in the reviews and comments that maybe they should have considered. However they learn their lesson and

You guys think it’s possible that Epic pays writer for positive press?  I wouldn’t put it past them, and I wouldn’t put it past morally dubious writers to take the check.

The development roadmap still exists, they just no longer put how long it will be until those features are implemented.

The article?

Man even when there hasn’t been any recent review bombs or harassment you guys still manage to write an article about it.  How about an article about how Epic has abandoned their Epic store development roadmap?  Seems like news to me that the company throwing millions at exclusives cant seem to get even the most basic

Which is why Kotaku’s coverage is so fucking tired on this issue. The accusation that this is Valve’s fault, that it started on Steam and not twitter/reddit/etc., is just garbage.

Don’t feel bad Steam, people were going to do that regardless.

I mean, on the plus side, there won’t be as many ride share drivers that lack a commercial license, driving around, breaking traffic laws, double-parking, blocking bike lanes, injuring and killing pedestrians and bicyclist, and killing and maiming other drivers.

Honestly, if both companies cannot figure out how to pay their employees minimum wage and survive, then I guess it turns out that they were just shitty businesses running an illegal taxi service on VC money. They were doomed to failure anyway and ending their misclassification of their workers just hastened their

Bipartisanship for Republicans just means Democrats shutting up and voting on whatever terrible bill they’re trying to push through lest they be accused of being troop hating socialists. 

*barfs from the mental image*