
This gets me every fucking time.

Their Facebook page was up again for about 20 minutes, the owner wrote a suuuuper long “apology” because she says she spent all night reading the bible and GUESS WHAT there’s nothing in there about mixed race marriages so hey, everything’s good now! I mean, I’m sure they’ll still discriminate against gay people and

There was a rally somewhere in the south where fuck-chop’s people had the crowd do a sieg-heil. I saw a few pictures of the smile and twinkle in his eye when this happened. This was probably a revelation to him: he had people willing to heil-hitler him as their leader. The fuck knows he has a fanatical army. And like

This is cult-level bullshit.

Toss one back for me, OK?

Huh, between the shooting and this, I can see it was a bad idea to get online after my previous plan of just being drunk for 72 hours straight (thanks holiday!). Gonna go back to previous plan.

We’re still 14 months from the election, too. It’s only going to get worse -- especially if it looks like Trump is going to lose. 

This is cult-level bullshit. I am getting off this rock because there’s no helping or redeeming these fucks.  #darkesttimeline #newspeak #leavethembehind

This is becoming scarier than usual. They are now exhibiting behavior usually reserved for religious fanatics just before the suicide vests come out.

“He exaggerates”

Knowing Trump’s history regarding racial matters, I’m not sure why he was expecting something different.

Trump being illiterate only paused in front of one plaque because he thought he recognized a word. He did, it was “the Netherlands.” Not wanting to betray how he couldn’t read the rest of the plaque, he made a comment about the Netherlands. Being a narcissist, the comment was about how great he is. This is just the

“The president paused in front of the exhibit that discussed the role of the Dutch in the slave trade,” Bunch continued. “As he pondered the label I felt that maybe he was paying attention to the work of the museum. He quickly proved me wrong. As he turned from the display he said to me, ‘You know, they love me in

As someone who lives in the Netherlands most of the year, no one there loves you, you stupid old fuck.

In July, we were in the Netherlands for the wedding of my friend, who is Dutch. We got to spend a great week with a lot of great Dutch people and I can assure you, Mr. Trump, people in the Netherlands do not love you. They are completely repulsed by you, on multiple levels.

I think that this story, more than any other, will encapsulate for me the sociopathy of Trump from now on.

I was working at the Museum of American History in 2000 when we heard that W. was going to come for a visit. Everybody had to clear out, no one could come to work that day. Then that fuck went to play golf. I thought that was pretty obnoxious. But trying to close the National Museum of African American History and