
The entertaining parts about it are the woman of Lebanese decent who talks about “white replacement” and the Jewish Man who talks about “western culture.”  Truly America is a great colorblind Utopia where anyone, regardless of creed or color, can be a Nazi.

The DemocRATS are plotting to have illegals vote so they can whin the ELECTIONS!!! Then once they’re in power they’ll make sure you have access to health care, clean drinking water, tax the wealthiest 1%, which you’ll never even get close to, protect reproductive rights, hold men accountable for rape, and other

It’s past the point of being parodied, though. All ludicrous bullshit you can imagine is already out there, and giving it more oxygen, even in jest, would just normalize even further.

Aren’t male lions pretty much layabouts whose main use is fathering cubs while the female lions run the pride and do all the work?

“Look, I googled ‘Pro-Trump images’ and the first result was a Klansman holding a swastika flag. How could I possibly know not to use that?”

If there’s one animal that definitely brings home the total package of Western European White Male, it’s definitely the African Lion.

Is Trump breathing?

The hypocrisy is nothing short of breathtaking. It never lets up. Here we have Donald “I won’t have time for golfing” Trump who is a (alleged) billionaire from New York, calling AoC (who was tending bar and waiting tables not two years ago) a... “coastal elite”? And he’s defending the Electoral College by arguing this

Jesus Christ do you still not understand that the electoral college is a compromise for slave states and is completely undemocratic at it’s core?

Yeah! Screw those Coastal Elites with their New York City penthouse apartments, degrees from Wharton, inherited wealth, and gold-plated toilets! Those fuckers never did anything for us real Americans! I bet they paint their names on the sides of their private 727s just so everyone knows how rich they are!

Man, you’d think if they were thrilled about having the majority and being What America Is Made Of, they wouldn’t fear a popular vote. They’d win, right?

Not to mention that technically speaking, Trump would fall under the category of “Coastal Elite” - or at least he wants to be.

Of course she is. All coastal elites work double shifts bar tending, whereas Real Americans live in a gold tower with their name on it.

She is absolutely correct.

All of us working stiffs who hate Trump are, doncha know.

lol, AOC is a coastal elite now?