
She should know that in 2019 it’s totally unacceptable, in the eyes of the GOP, for someone running for city government to say these kind of horrible racist things.

What the did Hispanic and black people do to deserve these white neighbors thouh?

A judge ruled on Monday that pharmaceutical juggernaut Johnson & Johnson must pay more than $500 million to the state of Oklahoma for its role in fueling that state’s opioid crisis. Sure, that’s a lot of money, but for context, the company made $81 billion in sales last year.

All of those men you named are either rapists, sexual assaulters, wife beaters or some combination. The only one that’s had his career affected is Ray Rice and only AFTER the tape came out. 2 of those 4 are going to the HoF. And we could name dozens more.  But god forbid a man kneel to protest an injustice.  Fuck

I quit the NFL when Ray Rice knocked the fuck out of his wife on that elevator. Jameis Winston, Ben Roethlisburger, Peyton Manning...naw, I’m cool on it all. They don’t care about anything but their bottom line. Players we know are abusive, crooks, criminals, rapists.....but hey, let’s keep filling seats and selling

I had transcripts from the International Baccalaureate organization in Wales that I had to get my university to accept Freshman year. The lady who handled transfer credits kept insisting that I must be a foreign exchange student, because they were the only ones who would try to do an IB credit transfer. I pointed out

About ten years ago, I had to renew my Massachusetts driver’s license from here in Scotland. The lady in the DMV gave me this exact level of understanding - didn’t know where Scotland is, didn’t know what the UK is, didn’t understand the sentences “I live overseas” or “I live abroad.” I eventually told her I lived in

The only acceptable capitalism is unfettered.  Any fetters turns capitalism into socialism.

The blackly funny thing about this is it mirrors an internal fight in the GOP over climate change.

Oh, no way it takes an hour my friend.

When we finally switch over to use renewable energy, electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells, etc etc, that ‘wealth’ will be meaningless.

I really fear that listening to/reading Trump’s nonsensical word salad makes us all stupider.

Trump is that kid in high school who constantly told everyone else how big his dick was, but refused to shower during team sports for fear of being found out as a fraud (note: I’m not judging anyone’s genitals here, I’m coming to a point about braggarts); he’s transparently insecure, and tries to fight that insecurity

Reading that made my brain hurt. 

In Trump’s mind Tom Brady and Robert Kraft must have dual citizenship. Also this is nothing new; 

Melania on that world leader thirst. She out here trying to trade in a ‘96 LeBaron with a broken soft top for a brand new Model 3. Girl, good luck with that everybody knows your credit is shit and you ain’t got no job. Be Best.

Melania Trump is an awful person.