
I don’t know why obvious trolls and people who open comments with insults directed at me think they’re going to get a platform on my thread.

I would argue that Sarandon did “nothing” to prevent trump.

This post is correct in that Sarandon doesn’t deserve any more heat than anyone else in a position of power who publicly discouraged voting for Hillary, but she gets a disproportionate amount of hate for it. You’re also correct that a lot of this is sexist as fuck.

Thank you. You said it in a more articulate way than I could. We now have a right wing supreme court for a generation. Women, particularly poor women, POC, immigrants, etc... will suffer the consequences. A privileged rich white celebrity will be just fine.

Hillary Clinton lost by only 78,000 votes across 3 states. So fuck people, including Splinter and Sarandon who egged people into either not voting or voting 3rd party. Yes, it did make a difference. So what that Clinton made mistakes during her campaign? That doesn’t excuse doing NOTHING to prevent Trump from being

Very nice. +100

100% agreed. No she is not responsible for Trump winning, but her scorching hot take on the 2016 election was trash and she deserves to be called out for it endlessly.

Counterpoint: Sarandon is a shithead who told people to vote 3rd party to burn it all down send a message to the establishment. While she was also completely aware that, should Trump end up winning, she would be completely shielded from any of the worst consequences by virtue of her being a rich celebrity who lives

Clinton was a bad candidate.

If only Sarandon wasn’t dragging them back into the light

Couple things that are true:

About 450,000 Africans were brought to America on slave ships. Now some of those slaves were kidnapped by Europeans and not sold by Africans. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that every single one was enslaved by another African.

Speaking as a longtime teacher, if your class is “distracted” by some kid’s hair, you need to step up your teaching game. Kids get distracted. They’d rather be doing something else. Deal with it.

No way, this is Texas. Their flavor of authority is informed by frontier justice. I assume most of the Texans that want power and authority have some twisted western augmented reality going in their heads, where they’re shooting Mexican stereotypes and lynching strong black folks and road-hauling LGTBQ people with

So what’s the point of requiring a emergency contact, etc. for a student if you don’t use the fucking info when you need to? Shouldn’t there be a phone call made to say, “Hey, you child’s haircut doesn’t adhere to our standards. It needs to be taken care of.” Whether the standard is right or wrong, the call needs to

Conservatives: The exact words of our 1789 Constitution are key to our identity and culture which is why the presence of a comma rather than a period means we are guaranteed a right to AR-15s ‘cause freedom.

Africans sold Africans into slavery...

People love to pull out the old “ well Africans sold other Africans “ It does not excuse or absolve the slave trade, and do they actually think for the entire  years of slavery that it was all supplied by other Africans? GTFOH

If you bothered to actually read the article you would know that it does in fact discuss the capture of slaves in Africa. Something important to note is that these first slaves sent to the Colonies were taken from what is now Angola, a region of Africa where Islam had yet to reach. They were captured by the