
I kept hoping his ‘vacation’ to ‘the wilderness’ was a euphemism that he was being put down... if only we were so lucky

Ok. Say you’re right. By the same token *ANYTHING* democrats try to pass on healthcare will go through that same senate grinder and ultimately be watered down. So, riddle me this ....

The joy is the market will crash, Fox viewers will loose half the value on their house and still believe Fox when they tell them it’s a liberal/media hoax.

They won’t be farmers for long! Their next job will include asking people “Would you like fries with that burger?”

Man, this is such a pitiful attempt at deflecting, and imagined “sowing of discord.” Jesus Christ on a vintage pogo stick, it even brings up Clinton, from three years ago.

Confederate statues - “We need them! We need them as...uh...a constant reminder that slavery is bad! So we can learn from history or something!”

I was about to say something like “it would still be a net positive to at least get a less horrible Republican in there” but no, they’re all horrible. The ones who don’t do this shit enable it. They are making a whipping boy out of Steve King right now but who are the ones who have been supporting him forever? Who are

Betty “Not” White.

I was raised by a sometime survivalist who made sure that besides knowing firearms well enough to use and maintain them I also acquired from him a deep fear and distrust of the government and authority in general. And even I know that assault rifles are fundamentally useless even for the purposes of opposing a

Yep. It was bad enough when I lived in a major city, but a couple of years ago I moved out to a rural area. Overall I love it out here, but the medical situation is fucking dire. There are so few specialists that you have to schedule months in advance, as you say. There are therapists, but no psychologists within an

I’ve worked with people with various mental-illnesses. Even the most violent among them are more of a danger to themselves than others. I should note that those I worked with were in a facility or a particular group home specifically because of that danger. The vast majority of people with mental-illnesses are

So if it is a mental health issue and not a gun issue... maybe we should require people to prove their mental fitness prior to purchasing a gun?

My parents keep using this “oh but people in Canada have to wait so long to get into the doctor”. But before I was covered under the ACA I couldn’t get in to see a Dr. ever because I couldn’t afford it, soooooooo.....

There’s also the absurd comment that criminals will get access to guns anyway, so we shouldn’t have gun control that targets law-abiding citizens.  While it’s certainly true that some criminals will be able to get guns through the black market, that sort of ignores the fact that almost all of these mass shooters are

Somewhere out there is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen so she can breathe. I think she owes it an apology.

I cannot stand that old trope that Black folk are locked into supporting one party. That’s such an insult. We are not a monolith and can think for ourselves. These blanket statements take away the agency of each and every Black person who doesn’t vote Republican. I mean the idea that the only people who aren’t sheep