
Then he’ll tweet about how the kids all cheered and threw roses at his feet. And he’ll maybe compliment some of the 17 y/o girls, but only the ones who are like an 8.5 or better. And his base will say we should listen to his intent, not his words.

The first criticism of him will flip the switch.

“Donald Trump will also host a ‘listening session’”

they are victims of propagandists fueling their confirmation bias. Sean Hannity is as good at what he does as any shady storefront preacher

Look, no one knows what the outcome of a theoretical global race war would be, let alone a theoretical global race war with superweapons. But either way, it’ll be bad for a lot of black people, win, lose, or draw. Killmonger’s plan - or any other plan for black extremism - wasn’t bad because black people would lose

Yes, what sort of Un-American business owner would cut corners by hiring undocumented immigrants and cheating them?

But, taking into account the state is a lost cause for GOP, and the red parts will still vote in GOP regardless of what the other option is. This seems like a safe move. You fuck with the state that wasn’t going to support you, show the other states that do support you that you hate brown people, and get to screw with

I like how Charles C.W. Cooke tried citing an example of Obama talking about habeous corpus and our Anglo American legal system all the while completely neglecting context.

We all know Sessions is a hard ass conservative vindictive racist piece of shit.

I am in academia and former LE and no one uses that term in regards to our history with English LE. We refer to this as the “English System”. Any other rationale is bullshit for the sake of it. Do better.

I am very much in the greys but I do hope some see this.