
I had the most interesting discussion with a pro-Trump guy about this today. He’s very much anti-DACA as “immigration reform”

I think Trump makes these random, capricious demands and throws out agreements because he thinks being completely unpredictable and hard to work with makes him a good negotiator. Not “can we get a deal that everyone is happy with,” but “is the other guy mad? If he’s mad it must be because I screwed him and got a

I wonder, does each one of the 14 people get their own set of crayons or is Donald the only one who gets to color in the pictures?

Never mention trump’s dick to me ever again.

I fear civil war is coming. It seems only a matter of time before the ridiculous ideological divisions between Liberals and Conservatives boils over into violent confrontation. It is only after this catastrophe takes place, that people will realize the err of their ways and stand on common ground as Americans.

Cadet Bone Spurs is the early leader for burn of the year.

I can’t begin to tell you how many military personnel I work with who absolutely despise this president and see him for the character deficient coward he is. I’ve been in the military for 5 presidents now and I’ve seen dislike and borderline hatred but have never seen this level of absolute disdain.