
And the White House handled that the way they handled everything - with grace and dignity:

These “people” in the grays seem to not understand how little their words mean, especially when they have zero substance.

Thanks for posting this!

You’re responding to a transphobic troll.

Well, that’s a special bit of stupid.

If only this were true. 60 years ago, with the passing of the Civil Rights Act, white America was told to back up. The way things were, were terrible. An embarrassment that we could cling to so many injustices that are now going to be righted. It was a New World and so many, white and black, loved it because maybe now

The summer after my first year at college I went to a party with a group of friends. One of my buddies, let’s call him W, was driving his dad’s Benz because his car was in the shop. One of the black dudes in my group drew the short straw along with me to be DD. My black buddy, let’s call him C, drove the Benz, I drove

The normal thing would have been to take those steps the first time he was called out for his shitty Nazi jokes. Waiting until the subject is too toxic for even his sycophantic community to ignore is one of the most lax approaches possible, and that’s putting it generously.

Yes, damn it people. It’s completely normal to as publicly as possible declare ones self not a nazi. I do it every day. When I wake up I walk outside so my neighbors can all see and hear me and shout “HEY GUYS I’M NOT A NAZI!” (This is all a lie, of course. I’ve never done anything so that people would misconstrue me

Then why make it an announcement? Why not just not say stupid shit in the future?

The incredibly sad fact is that he’s still a notch above the president with his statement on Charlottesville; how in the bleeding hell is that even possible?

a prostate exam by a pirate with the hiccups.


I dont think he wrote that, or even think like that.

You’d like to think that, but no. It’s not just a bunch of kids who don’t know better yet. It’s an endemic problem to a heteronormative, racist, misogynist white patriarchy. It’s not a few bad apples spoiling the barrel. The orchard is rotten.