
If facts and common sense don’t work in proving to his supporters how horrible he is, I’m just going to keep at it with the berating and insulting. Coddling these idiots likely contributed to us having gotten here. Can we pretend it’s just tough love?

“3. People often confuse confidence with competence, which means a lot of big talking men get put into positions of power even when it is clear they are incompetent.”

Wow, he’s wrong on a lot of things.

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

all right, profe

The thing is, almost none of the leaks endanger “national security and the lives of those who serve in the intelligence community, the armed forces and all law-abiding Americans.” All they do is show that Trump is a lying gasbag who is grossly unqualified for the job, a bad manager, and unpredictable. These are

They think they’re struggling with other races/nationalities/religions over the pieces of a dwindling economic pie, when in fact the billionaire class has walked off with the pie and left us fighting over the crumbs. It’s a brilliant piece of political misdirection.

Michael Moore said it best when he said that voters used Trump as a political Molotov cocktail to upend the system and show their frustration. 8 years of a Black man in the White House and of various government agencies being ran by Blacks, gains in LBGTQ rights, women’s rights etc made most white people start to feel

What we’re seeing is also the eclipsing of Christianized Eurocentricity that could be traced back to the voyages of Iberian sailors. The United States is the last European Christian power and after it, well, come the people who have been shat on for the last while by said European Christians. India and China are not

Constitutionally speaking, we elect individuals and not parties—namely because most of the founding fathers (excluding Madison) didn’t see the rise of political parties coming.

Exactly! His process is 1) bully like a 6th grader, 2) completely cave and try to make the other person give you something out of pity, 3) threaten to sue through your lawyer. Dear God, what a sad bitch of a person.

Great, now all the women know about the pooping bench. Might as well spill the beans now.

And then the little aside “[inaudible] this is crazy!” at the end...who was he talking to? Hope Hicks? Did he even have anyone in the room who could explain what was going on? Why didn’t one of his advisors stop him midway through the call, mute Turnbull and explain the situation to him? Why let him embarrass himself

This is one of the biggest disconnects between the way Trump supporters see him vs. reality.

Here’s the Lennon/McCartney translation:

somebody else keeps dropping this one... but as he/she failed to this time.. im stealing it

What Pruitt should do is make a little tree and use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy, then use that energy to fuck off.