
Read this, then fuck off.

Even medieval kings kept court jesters around. Licensed fools were often tasked with delivering criticisms or bad news directly to the powerful:

The U.S. was just ranked 43rd in press freedom.

Yes, you’re being pedantic. LOL.

Now playing

I really liked Sam Bee’s Not WHCD program. Allison Janney is basically perfect and doesn’t age:

If the world was fair, he would be followed for the rest of his days by people saying his kids weren’t real and were false flags.


The stupid thing is that, according to The Guardian, the recorded pre-message tells the caller to contact their local law enforcement first. They come right out and say that they’re not a LEO. This is all about finding stories that they can use as ad fodder.

Trump’s “money” (if he actually has any) was a sign of how great he was. The fact he had money made him so smart and of course he would be a great president.

How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?

At least we know it wasn’t Mike Pence. He wouldn’t have talked to her without his wife there.

Tell me that you don’t imagine Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Richard Shelby whiling away summer afternoons, sipping iced tea while fanning themselves and listening to old “Amos n’ Andy” records.

1. Fuck you.

People like you can fuck right off. This whole idea that you can’t display frustration and vent emotion at something like cancer is idiotic.

Cancer can fuck right off.