I think the turtle was probably the turtle from IT. Also the dead bodies in the shipping container resulting from the light switch gag was deftly subtle as far as jokes go.
I think the turtle was probably the turtle from IT. Also the dead bodies in the shipping container resulting from the light switch gag was deftly subtle as far as jokes go.
It sort of felt like they were picking songs that would be on June’s Ipod shuffle playlist.
I’m leaning towards no on question 1. More so because the person is a public figure and it doesn’t look like it’s based on another person’s photograph of the celebrity. This is a helpful link in that regard: http://www.owe.com/resources/legalities/7-issues-regarding-use-someones-likeness/
It’s a screengrab of the vid, I’m guessing it’s mostly post and lighting of the teaser to blame. Probably done on the cheap. If I had to guess, she somehow got matched to the values of the pinks in background. You’ll notice the dogs noses aren’t true black so someone was adjusting things for that flat daytime tv look…
I think your view of Dallas is a little harsh and diminishes the subversiveness. Dallas acts heroically. The problem is he fails and dooms them all. He cares about his crew and does go into the ducts himself. He’s a leader but he didn’t make the right choices. Which is why people make rule books to plan for these…
Loved her on that. Really glad I found those podcasts. I’m always impressed by people who can clearly articulate their inner thoughts in writing and off the cuff in a discussion. As well as being funny. Somewhere between my inner monologue and my mouth or keyboard it all turns to garbage. I guess it’s up to some…
I’m not sure. A lot of the GIRLS backlash seems to point to a lack of adaptation. Seems to be a matter of folks picking and choosing their anti-hero. Maybe it’s when fiction hits too close to home. Banal awfulness vs grand revenge / power fantasies. I guess it depends on what you hope to get out of reading or watching…
Interesting. I read a bunch of her novels when I was younger so they’re a bit fuzzy. Do you think this overlaps with the inability of some people to consume fiction featuring unlikeable characters? I went to an catholic all boys school so our lit was heavy on the Classics. I think I liked her books because they…
Your heart’s on the left side of the chest so I had that down. Weird how you can sort of forget where your organs are. Like I know where my lungs are but I’m a bit fuzzy practically speaking as to how far down they go.
It’s such a looong florid song. It always felt like you were being taken hostage by a performance. I prefer a good pledge (except that whole under god thing, ugh). Because if there is a god I’m sure he really appreciates the reactionary lip service.
Is this a thing? It makes sense for a pledge because you’re swearing something but I don’t recall doing the hand to heart for the anthem.
Salman Rushdie is like that too. I enjoy when oral story telling tradition peaks through in prose. That said sometimes it’s easier to track with an audiobook.
He’s creating an environment and laying the ground work that America might be gre.....and I threw up.
Roy Cohn: Your problem, Henry, is that you are hung up on words, on labels: “gay”, “homosexual”, “lesbian.” You think they tell you who a person sleeps with, but they don’t tell you that. Like all labels, they refer to one thing and one thing only: Where does a person so identified fit in the food chain? In the…
Can’t shake the devil’s hand and say you’re only kidding
THIS, so much this.
Wasn’t she trying to educate herself by asking a spokesperson for #whitewashedout. I guess the stranger thing isn’t a sticking point to me because Margaret Cho is highly visible and vocal and invited a discussion. One could argue that the conversation should be on MC’s terms but I think TC attempted to frame it that…
I hear what you’re saying but isn’t Margaret Cho the type of person you’d want to talk to? She had publicly talked about this specific casting issue and others, was informed about the way hollywood works, and is smart to boot. MC didn’t owe TS anything. However given her political and social advocacy I’m not sure it’s…
Am I grossly underestimating the number of people with machetes by their door?
“A man with an umbrella is praying for rain.”
“A man without one is a fool.”