
It isn’t nihilistic at all. Out of context memes and quotes might make it seem that way. Characters say nihilistic stuff and the main character has a lot of self hatred but the overall message of the show, from what I get out of it anyway, is that it’s worth it to work on your own toxic behaviors and relationships

I am slightly concerned that these post apocalyptic/battle royal games and movies are influencing people to only see a violent route if the world does go to hell instead of working together to rebuild their local society and general good of the population.  

It is such bullshit! They ordered that construction of the new Target going up in Hollywood be stopped after a permit was issued. It’s all framed and partitioned but somehow someone discovered that its height exceeded whatever codes are in place. It’s been sitting there, unfinished, for a couple of years now.

Unfortunately, based upon the extreme cognitive dissonance non-genuinely rich GOP voters have shown up to this point, no matter how bad the GOP makes things for them they will still blame it on the libtards and continue voting against their own self interest. Because fox news and am talk radio will tell them to.

I will never understand why people need a “likeable” main character. There are people who are entertaining to watch but not likeable.

That’s pretty much what the TV show Penny Dreadful did until it got cancelled too soon.

I had a pharmacist ask me to deliver a transfer of inventory to another store a few days ago because the company didn’t want to pay for shipping.

Off topic, but this is weirding me out.

I used to be angry at the price of razors, but then I bought a razor factory because that’s what you do.

Calling them “Evil genius masterminds” doesn’t help either — that’s the kind of thing that will just inflate their ego and magnify their importance on the world stage. What they do, again, does NOT take genius. Anyone can devise a crude bomb, kill people and blow themselves the fuck up. “Losers” may not be the perfect

Jon Favreau is literally crying into his Parachute sheets right now.

Comey is Ned Stark. Very misguided, much at fault, probably trying pretty hard.

I would but honestly why should I care? Ive always known that the majority of americans are total idiots. The election just confirmed it.

Who the fuck is making these graphics? They’re terrible and pixelated and the font choices are always very confusing.

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

It’s the little jump before he folds, and the synchronized head-tilts from Niall and Louis that completely do me in.

How can a venue be called “Rough Trade” and not be a leather bar?

Graduation speaches are usually some fucked up shit. My sister’s graduation from a small christian liberal arts college had an alumni come and speak. The essence of his speach was “God blessed me with the opportunity to work on the atomic bomb.” We all just kind of sat there in shock. It was so far out of left field.

I don’t like getting cock-teased for three and a half hours. If I’m gonna play a gay dating game, it better end in pixelated half-lion dong.

I did hear her explain this on Lovett or Leave It this weekend. Did a good job of saying things I’ve been thinking