Brian Williams dreams of cat gifs

GODDAMMIT. These WikiLeaks emails are making it REALLY HARD for me to continue to act holier than thou around my republican acquaintances. Get your shit together, democrats!

No, fuck YOU. It is not Huma’s fault. Why don’t you go woman-blame yourself off a tall building.

Keeping food safe isn’t really a ‘zero skill.’

Trump: “Ore... Ida?”
Aide: No, sir. It’s “Ne-VA-da”.

Now that this story is public, he’ll never ketchup in the polls.

I mean, that’s basically how the Council of Nicaea happened.

This is the darkest timeline

Source: Dallas cheerleaders, UT-Austin cheerleaders, Texas A&M cheerleaders, Oklahoma cheerleaders, etc.

Based upon my (admittedly minimal) experience, the owner of that car tried to fight a stranger in the Alps.

I assumed they were waiting to release footage to allow some distance from the Tulsa shooting (because it’s going to be incendiary). Maybe they are waiting for the bill to take effect (and I’m sure pre-October stuff will be grandfathered in...). Wow NC, dismantling democracy one bill at a time. Impressive.

No time, I’m WAY too busy to release that footage. Work to do

Maybe he has seen the car’s Carfax report history and maybe, one time the car blew a head gasket or was involved in a fender bender. You don’t know the car’s history, the cop was just doing his job.

things seemed bleak on our local npr this am. they were asking about releasing the video and the representative said that they want to release it but there’s some ‘ambiguous elements that could be misinterpreted’ so we want to make sure there is no doubt so as to not jeopardize the integrity of the investigation.

Do you see now why people are so freaking upset about you taking up time to legislate which bathroom people piss in when you elected officials could be doing something useful? Like bringing justice.

The pill almost sent me blind when it upped my intracranial fluid pressure to such scary high levels the docs in the ER thought i was dying of a brain tumor. No one should be buying that shit over the counter.

You helped pay for my necessary hernia surgery when I was enlisted. Sorry no one asked you if that was cool with you before they signed off on it.

Most of u know that I have been a special needs teacher/administrator for nearly 18 years, the only job I have ever known. Excuse me now, there is a huge lump in my throat and I’m sobbing as I write this. Of the hundreds of children with special needs that I have worked with, I can tell you that every single one of

Guy Fawkes’ greatest weapon? Patience.