Brian Williams dreams of cat gifs

Thank you! Came here to ask what would become of Duke and Duke without frozen concentrate OJ. Next we’ll be hearing that pork bellies have gone belly up (heh) due to people not eating bacon any more, bacon such as one might find in a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich! Damn vegans and gluten free monsters are

I saw the headline, skipped the article, and went straight to the comments for a Trading Places reference. You did not disappoint!

If frozen OJ goes away, how will I corner the frozen OJ futures market?

Her feet must have been KILLING her.

THANK YOU. This is the photo in the dictionary next to “internally screaming.”

There’s absolutely no call for comments like this. I edit my work—we all do—but the night moves quickly and sometimes there are slip-ups. Please use this space to engage kindly and thoughtfully.

Now playing

Well now you can watch it and not just think about it :-)

I would pay all the money to watch a Beltre/Andrus show where cameras just follow them around.

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

You probably didn’t see the footage. It wasn’t one comment. They talked about him over the entirety of the race, often focusing the camera on him and then repeated at least five times that it was all due to him when the race finished. They went into a lot of detail about how a woman (who was already an Olympic

Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...

Not just you.

If you ever want to stop someone from clicking on a link to one of your stories I would say that putting “they were red like raw hamburger” in the title of some story on Roger Ailes and sexual harassment would be right up there.

To me, it is both hilarious and super serious. On the one hand, I mean, how could you not laugh at these idiots?

Broccoli from 2 years ago? Do I look like I’m made out of money?

This loss hurt. It hasme mad. But I’m more defeated that some of our fans are okay with how we’ve done and are just in love still with Holtz than I am with this loss.

Few things give me more hope for our future than my generations willingness to make a stand for things we deem important. Good on these kids for standing up and putting the university in a situation that is going to force some action.