
I would add the HR-V;

It was me, on both, lol

Counterpoint: shut your face, grumpy smurf.

You know how, with most words, if you repeat them too many times they start sounding funny? Like, say “grape” 15 times and you’ll be like “wtf is this word? I never want to hear it again!”.

That’s how I feel about the brand name Kia as soon as I say it once. Kia. Kia. Kia. Kia? KIA. Kiiiiaaaaa.

Sorry Kia. You could

Hey Chelsea there is a pretty big difference between holding your big annual sale early so that retail workers can spend time with their families on a national holiday and Black Friday. 

Hey Chelsea there is a pretty big difference between holding your big annual sale early so that retail workers can

They elected a sexual predator president, and just put a sexual judge on the United States Supreme Court over the protest of the nation. They can’t tell me shit about civilization. They don’t get to tell us what is and isn’t “civilized.” They can go to the deepest circle of Hell with that bullshit.

Just tell republicans and conservatives that the asteroid will ABORT all life on this planet.

This is an astoundingly facile comment.

That’s cool and stuff but also the screens look ridiculous. Gotta be a better way to integrate them.

I appreciate the attempt here with this article, but I am afraid you are missing some important information. I will cover each point:

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

What in the hell is that dog doing to your aunt?

plus that a disgusting amount of plastic bottles you produce... 35 bottles time 52 weeks... thats over 1800 bottles a year.. you make me sick

This would explain why so many overweight middle-aged and older women from the south are Republican.

Breaking News: Medical Study Discovers Healthy People are Healthier.

Totally. Just burn the earth down and start over! The quicker the assholes can ruin it, the sooner the non-assholes can choke on their righteousness!

The AV Club has become a completely judgemental shithole, hasnt it? Is there a safe place for anyone these days? I cant walk out my front door without being ridiculed for something.

Uh, yah, thanks bud. I know how to find what I’m looking for. Just trying to point out to Andrew that he omitted a fairly important portion of his review.

“My neighbor across the street bought a Camry Hybrid this month, and I promptly made her regret her purchase decision.”