
Everybody knows the Yellow Cardinal is asthetically, genetically, socially, and intellectually inferior to the Red Cardinal, and exists solely to steal the other Cardinal’s birdseed and mooch off bird unemployment and bird disability benefits. They also are all bird terrorists and bird rapists, and are allied with

You just ruined the placebo effect! I ain’t tellin about this article to my wife, no ma’am. I just moved a massive bag of heavy salts from the old house for her.

Nobody recommended Camellia Grill? Weird. Good hangover food. Also, JazzFest. It ain’t what it used to be in that it’s bigger and more of a production and it’s $$$, but it’s still awesome. Tipitina’s uptown is, for my money, my favorite place in the world to see live music.

It’s been done.

You’re responding to arguments that I never made! If you need a loan, like I did, you should get one. If you can manage to pay cash, do that. This was a post working through my own feelings about having had a loan. It’s not terribly complicated!

Erik did it right here. He bought an affordable car, paid it off in a reasonable amount of time, now he has a reliable, practical, fun car that’s all his. The problem with finance is when you do it the way most Americans seem intent on doing it: with endless seven, eight and nine year loans at some outrageous rate.

oh fuck off

This. If I could get 33 mpg on my 03 WRX after a better spooling turbo and a tune while making 30 more hp to the wheels (for over 100k miles, mind you) why can’t I get that in a car 15 years newer?

I want to pay more for fuel economy and performance NOT infotainment and luxury.

A lot of research point to carbs being a major contributing factor (to many, many diseases). The “Eating right” is low carb, high good fat. Going ketogenic and having ketones works for many. But you won’t hear of this much as there is zero profit from it, unlike drugs.

I don’t really have a master plan, but my daily plan is to inform people about how the gov’s decisions impacts them personally. Sorry that doesn’t align with your politics :/

You won’t be excited by this feature unless you are under 33-years-old...

Uh oh, sounds like every here is going to be “snickering” because you pronounce it fack. Peer pressure no matter what approach you take, what will you do?

‘a fack’ is correct, and I wasnt stating that ‘an EF AY CUE’ is incorrect; i was merely pointing out that the author verbally states each letter.

‘An fack’ would be incorrect. Say it both ways and you’d understand.

Traffic laws were made for cars, where starting and stopping is as simple as pressing your foot on a pedal. The amount of energy it takes to stop and start a bike is much greater—and therefore we rely on momentum to keep us from getting exhausted on our commutes. For conscientious bikers, this means red lights become

Do you mean you think nothing could possibly go wrong or that you can trust the corporations doing the development to put put safety ahead of profits?

Better feature to mention would be the option to open/close the drag-down notification screen with a downwards/upwards swipe of the fingerprint scanner.

I’ll just leave this here

Too many people just don’t understand this. Looking back, I wish I’d have learned this earlier. Yes, you need an emergency fund and some savings on hand (there are different recommendations for this but 3-6 months expenses is about right), but once you get beyond that, you should be investing. Markets are going strong