
Fortunately home chargers don’t run at such a high current, so they typically come with longer cords. Mostly a problem with level 3 chargers where they had optimized the cord length for what was 100% of the user base at the time, to have the least voltage drop and least amount of liquid cooling necessary. At least

Except they messed up in the same way Rivian messed up with the R2/R3 prototypes, and they put the charging port on the wrong side. That means you need to take up two Superchargers in order to use a single charger, and you have to walk around to the complete opposite side of the car to plug in, rather than just

Totally not a denial.

They actually do make vehicle to vehicle adaptors and electric “jerry can” type devices for EVs that run out of electricity. But I’d urge you to actually read and process the linked article, which paints a very different picture from the Jalopnik headline.

This 2015 Model S just came in last week with 236,00 miles on it! Replaced the PPF, polished, and re-coated it. Looked brand new inside and out! Range was at 190 miles on the display but didn’t see what percentage the battery was at.

It’s not that hard. The speed is no farther from the windshield than it is looking at gauges through the steering wheel. The heat map is huge and you don’t have to look at it to see what’s going on. Lap timer is right up top. All the text is huge. It’s easier for me to read than Track Addict on my phone mounted to the

Ive been driving for 50+ years. I’ve gotten out of a few, and paid a few, but I’ve never paid full price + points.

WTF!! Just got a nearly $3000 bill for damage to my M3 by FSD hitting a curb!!! Never had this problem before recently update. I can clearly see online that I’m not the only one. Went from loving my new Tesla to a very unhappy customer!

Now playing

Despite the lack of a seat belt requirement

The disappointment is real

Will still guzzle gas.

It’s to encourage adoption of EV’s.  This is a choice, not for your own convenience, but for the good of human survival.

He just can’t quit them...

Braid beadlock wheels. I love them. 

I love how acceleration has become a ‘trick’. I’ve spent decades and untold dollars in the pursuit of going faster, as I’m sure many enthusiasts have, and acceleration was kinda the goal. Now these cars show up that will blow the doors off 95% of anything they might come across at a stoplight and suddenly that

How fucking pathetic on so many levels. Its outright pathetic that somehow that fat fuck is yet again running for president. Its pathetic that millions of Americans still support and will vote for him. Its pathetic how batshit insane the Republican party has become- and I say that as someone who is not exactly

Looks like Jalopnik got the gas and EV times flipped in that chart. 3.3 is for the EV.

“People should always be able to count on Tesla trying its best.”

Runs well, dummy. And you wouldn’t necessarily have to pay anything to charge at home - a standard 120V wall outlet is enough for most people. If your 2003 Ranger runs well enough for your needs, you likely aren’t in the market for ANY new car. This article isn’t for you. Nobody needs to hear from you.