I’ve been to Akron.
I’ve been to Akron.
Remember when the Patriots won the Super Bowl and their fans flooded into the streets of Boston chanting “Yankees Suck”?
The first disgusting chin was the best disgusting chin.
I’m amazed Matt didn’t get his ass beaten.
If only there was one more game where some shitbag team (Browns? Texans? Bucs?) got to fuck the Patriots.
God, I fucking hate that fucking up fucking north.
That’s the owner of the Falcons?!
“ wage employee is not going to fuck with a QB’s balls without his say-so”
A shit sandwich.
New World Order, Lizard People, Men In Black, Satanic Cults, Pedobear. Denver is the center of the coming apocalypse.
wait, what? That wasn’t a joke? Rutgers is really in the Big Thirteen?!
think he’s imitating peyton’s lischp
Seattle is educated?
ahhh, the peeping tom bear. also creepy!
Welcome to Denver, Bitch!
Aren’t most of the whacked out promise keeper types down in the Springs?
Love. That’s what makes an awful polo an awful polo.
I think he should be sacrificed to almighty Bluecifer.
I love Bluecifer.
I hear Roger Goodell is going to suspend him for 6 games for the alleged murder.