
It’s called guerilla government, learn it and use it if you care about federal employment and merit system protections.

It is really hard to know at this point what to feel most sad about in the future administration. There is all the obvious terrible stuff, and then a little deeper is the horrible anti-science stuff. I can only imagine as a government scientist how dangerous it must feel that your new commander (via his own words) has

Its kind of ironic. Im an expat living in Canada, my wife works for the Gov in a research division. Under Harper they were being strangled financially, even tho for every dollar spent they make $7 for the country. Once Trudeau got in, he directed that the budget of her dept be raised by hundreds of millions of

Get on twitter and follow a bunch of African American and Native American people. If you read Spanish well enough to follow, then add Latinos/Latinas to that list. Add a bunch of international voices too.

I think one of the most important things you can do as a white man is point out to other white men (and women) how the Trump administration will hurt them. It’s also important to call out and shut down racist and misogynistic speech when you encounter it, but we need more white voters to realize how bad a Trump

I’m not sure I get the other comments to your post. People seem to be mildly hostile. Here’s the pertinent quote since Kinja seems to put things in weird order:

Wtf kind of shoes is he wearing with a suit?

Why are they still your friends?

I’ve asked most of my Trump supporting friends - what ISN’T great about America, and they can only say Obama and have no other reasoning behind it.

right cause there arent thousands of cases just over the past couple weeks of republicons calling people libtards, niggers, jews, or the head of Trumps cabinet calling all liberal women dykes.

Can’t anyone just be wrong anymore? Do they also have to be a “fucking idiot”?

Yes, yes a million times yes. I recall when Obama was elected and the Republican Party decided immediately to work hand in hand with the duly elected President, and never worked to block anything of his in the past eight years. Liberals need to get their heads in the game and learn a thing or three from Republicans.

Cops kill more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS. Cars kill more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S. Obesity kills more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S. Heroin kills more civilians by several orders of magnitude than ISIS in the U.S.. ISIS is

There are days when I think very seriously about quitting my job and going to med school to be an ob/gyn who performs abortions. This is one of them.

This man is a hero, and a very prescient one. In Jia’s interview, he said he knew it wasn’t going to get any better for reproductive freedom in this country. At the time, I thought he was a bit of a cynic. I know all too well what he means now.

Charles Gaba had a great tweet today: Charles Gaba (@charles_gaba) | Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn’t a deal-breaker. End of story.

Now playing

Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.

But that is when they thought America was great.

But I’m so glad we didn’t elect a lady who doesn’t know how to email well.


That part was sarcasm, but when I told my white Pennsyltucky friends what happened, they mostly reacted with “Well you have to look at things from his perspective” bullshit. My friends.