
100% agree.

This misconduct reportedly also filtered into Rocksteady’s games, which include hypersexualized versions of Batman characters like Poison Ivy and Catworman

This is an absolutely disgusting article. You’re not protecting protesters, you’re protecting rioters and criminals. People who dishonor George Floyd’s memory. Peaceful protesters would not need these protections, and you are incentivizing and abetting the injury and victimization of innocents. 

No Ed, I think you’re committing the fallacy of equivocation here. It’s reasonable to expect your general audience to interpret the headline in a way other than the CDC or researchers would have intended.

I hate to say fake news, buttttt....

I thought the body on the gurney was her Dad.

Yeah I respectfully disagree with this completely. I found Hopper’s behavior to be a new father who would have struggled with a teenage daughter (as many do IRL) in even the best of circumstances, and their circumstances are hardly ideal.

Detroit was criminally underrated by this particular website. It’s a really cool game, I don’t even remember what Kirk’s problems were with it but they’re largely unfounded or at least not terribly relatable for most. 

Here’s my review:

I read the first few paragraphs before it seemed to be abundantly clear that you have an axe to grind with this type of game and should not be the one reviewing it.  I stopped reading there. 

If a hate crime is a serious crime, then false accusations of a hate crime is also a serious crime.

It’s almost as if faking a two hate crimes is somehow against the law and actually prosecutable! Who would have thought? 

It makes no sense to get upset over imagery in a work of fiction until you know in what context the imagery is being used. Also, a depiction of a fictionalized world is likely to contain portrayals of real bigotry, especially one set in this universe, so it’s not appropriate to assume that just because bigotry is

If it’s true that accident rates are lower when semi-autonomous systems are available to drivers vs not available, then why would it be a “terrible idea” to make them more available? I fully get that people will use the tech incorrectly, as they do with all tech, but how can you argue that lower injury and death rates

Why can’t we just celebrate the inclusion of strong female superheroes without the “real heroes” language, which implies that they are somehow more heroic or positive than their male counterpoints. It may seem trivial, but language matters. It’s like the “the future is female” slogans you seen thrown around. That’s

She didn’t hear directly from the company until almost 12 hours later, at 12:34 p.m. on Thursday.

Study after study shows the gender pay gap is the result of work practices differing between the genders, not because of hiring practices that intentionally low-ball female employees. It is already illegal to pay someone less based on their gender. It would be nice if people stopped pushing the false narrative that

You don’t get to remove speech just because you don’t like it.  Good for him for not yielding to the hysterical mob.  It’s his goddam company and he can do what he wants.   If you don’t like it then get off twitter - oh wait, none of you will!

You’re a conspiracy theorist.

As somebody who actually was gaybashed years ago, I hope Jussie falls off the planet. ‘kay, thanks.