
Additionally, an analysis of the site’s source code conducted by The Markup determined Honorlock can view a visitor’s mouse movements, what they entered into the site’s search bar, and evidence of where they may have clicked.”

Literally any website can view that with JavaScript event listeners.


The Wall from Solar Opposites.

I think it’s a worthy thing to celebrate, and I’m glad it is an official holiday. Freedom! There’s nothing more American that that. I do think the name is dumb though.

Don’t protest in the street. It’s unsafe, even if someone doesn’t hit someone on purpose. And what does it accomplish? Do they think that inconveniencing people is going to win them over to their side? It makes no sense to me.

the ‘Get Off Our Necks’ Commitment March on Washington will be a day of action that will demonstrate our commitment to fighting for policing and criminal justice. The MLK speech anniversary seems to be just a footnote.

Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

She was literally about to stab someone with a knife.

Does anyone want  people to tell them what to think?

I mean this country did literally fight a war to end slavery. Many people of multiple races died in order to put a stop to slavery in the U.S.

It is easy to be generous with other people’s money.


If you don’t like a certain creator’s art, don’t play it. If I don’t like a certain Director’s style, I simply do not watch his/her’s movies.

The whole article is about how the kidney grille lights up, and yet not one photo of an illuminated kidney grille. What’s the point?

If you live in America and don’t speak English, it is you who have failed (usually).

Is eating prohibited on the train, or was she wrong about that?

Whether they voted for you or not, they’re still your fucking contituents”

You’re wrong. Look up the meaning of the word constituent.

Apparently the demand for ‘MAGA racism’ has indeed exceeded the supply, leading to the necessity of making things up out of whole cloth.

No you are not.

It seems like with every minute that goes by, it’s looking more and more likely that he lied.