
If she was white, would she be referred to as a “woman”?  She was only 16.  She was a girl.

I don’t think anything listed here falls under the definition of “entrapment”.

Comments like mine:

Say, that looks like an interesting read!

This website needs to be upvoted to the top!

Better yet:

For those that want to keep following these dingleberries

Free speech is important. Dude continually drops the N-word? Well, that’s not someone I really want to listen to. So I don’t. Let others make their choice to listen to whomever they want, just as we allow others to choose what they say.  Freedom is a feature, not a bug.

I mean you can make fun of the guy for having a “toy” like this but you know what? This project has employed hundreds of people in the hard hit marine sector and will continue to employee lots of people for the substantial on-going maintenance that will be required. Captains, engineers, all the other crew, the ports

Gmail’s current user interface is claustrophobic”

What exactly do you plan to appeal, Jussie? Take your loss like an adult and take time to look inward. You need to do some deep soul searching and get in touch with the actual community you claim to represent to find out just how much hurt you caused. Not towards white people, not towards law enforcement, not towards

So... a guy who doesn’t even work for Blizzard anymore, goes on a right-wing Discord and post some stuff Kotaku writers don’t agree with. Quick, write a story with the Blizzard logo as the main image.

You’re completely wrong about charging infrastructure. Everywhere except the most densely populated areas there isn’t enough charging available.

Anson Mount as Pike is the freaking best.

Couldn’t hand this one off to Jalopnik, huh?

Yeah, there’s this line:

Ok. Who else read “Incel”? Raise your hand.

Let them walk and if they’d like to leave permanently, so be it.

“TERF’s”, as they’re called. DO have a point. To my knowledge, it’s not that they don’t want transwomen to exist. It’s that they don’t want transwomen in female spaces. Women, females, to be more succinct, have fought hard for the equality that, in many

This is beautiful work. Not only did you discover a father, but a whole other family (grandmother, aunt, uncle, etc) and they all sound like good people.

That stupid racist asshole wanted to provoke a fight. Punching her in the face (however satisfying) would have given her what she wanted which is a confrontation where she could play the martyr/victim.