Make me. ;)
Make me. ;)
I don’t think that joke makes him a racist, necessarily. It was in poor taste, but I think it is analogous to talking about dogs and him saying something like ‘ha ha, if you see a dog just shoot it’, because cops shootings dogs is a trope in the zeitgeist. It doesn’t mean the person who told the joke is a dog-hating,…
“The murder itself is well within Frank’s purview, but the cruelly tossed off “bitch wife” line feels like something from a MAGA-inspired version of this character, not the one we’ve been watching.”
I think you’re reaching here...
Is it exhausting to view literally everything through the lens of race?
No long hair was the rule when I wrestled in high school. I think it has always been that way.
It was likely never fully extinguished in the first place.
It’s an Op-Ed Michael. This doesn’t mean that ‘The New York Times’ shares this position.
I mean, en ex-lover is not really an unbiased source. She probably has an axe to grind.
I think you’re a racist, Monique. That is all.
Be better than this.
‘“Total War games are historically authentic, not historically accurate,” she wrote in August.’
He’s from latin descent...he’s not white.
Someone said “Black people stop wearing grills.”? Why is this newsworthy?
This is by no means settled. The American College of Pediatricians vehemently disagrees.
Since when are you the sole arbiter of what is ‘ok’?
Why are you downplaying Serena’s responsibility for her disappointing and childish outburst?
In what way is the current compensation unfair?
Anyone naming their child ‘Sharkeisha’, etc is doing them a disservice. Period. There have been many studies about this.
Just cooperate with the police during the stop. The place to argue your case is in court later, and if the officers did something wrong during the stop, in court is the place to fight it.