
Headline is inaccurate. Edinburgh is only 330 miles in mostly the wrong direction if you’re trying to travel from London to Dusseldorf.

Paying these dudes to pretend to kick his ass is a bit more than just just getting some details wrong 🤣

I’m pretty sure this was cancelled because it was a horribly written mess with about as much story telling depth and attention span as an issue of, “Axe Cop” which was plotted by a child. This zany, Scott Pilgrim style humor is pretty run of the mill for a lot of Marvel books right now.

Yeah, basically, the conversation was “You’re a doodoo head!” and then Stephens responded with “You shouldn’t call people doo doo heads!” and then “Here are a compelling facts that prove you are a doo doo head!

That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.

Just proof that if you think hard enough and get creative enough, you can make anything “offensive”.

Another for the “bizarrely angry Discovery review” pile. This one is better at seeming like it’s not a “waaaaah this doesn’t make me feel like TNG made me feel when I was 9" screed than the ones on Reddit, but that’s all this is.

While there is nothing funny about this story, there is definitely something funny about the contrast in the comments...

Wow, only 3 comments. And the story doesn’t even make the top fold on the front page. I guess The Root’s readership lost interest in this poor little girl’s killing for some reason.

Except the user agreement with facebook doesn’t literally say that and this guy’s lease literally says to keep his car in good condition, which he signed.

That’s not what you wrote. So....she spoke to a doctor the day before she died? Cool, hard hitting journalism at its finest!

This is a stupid take.

The point of this piece isn’t to assign blame for Kim Porter’s death. It’s that black women with the means and access to doctors and proper medical care still die at a far higher rate than they’re supposed to

I can’t tell if your lying to yourself or to us, but you are precisely doing what you claim you’re not. Truly elite trolling.

You know, it is possible to feel bad for the employees but still be happy the season gets finished. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

That tweet wasn't transphobic.

Here is the real question:

I’m fine with something set in the universe but don’t name the slayer Buffy. Name her whatever you want, cast whoever you want. Just don’t reboot the buffy name. 

I’m just going to jump in with a little more info on “hotlining.” I’m an attorney that does child advocacy work. For anyone who reads this article and may have a similar issue, different states use slightly different terminology. For example, Pennsylvania calls it “childlining” when you call and report potential

“It’s a prime example of a TV show killing off a gay character’s love interest for no reason other than a plot development...”