
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

There are 2,718 people on death row. Could you imagine if between 54 and 272 of them were innocent? Hardwick and anyone else that does this crap should get what they deserve, but saying 2-8% is an “immensely uncommon” amount is crazy.

Careful, they’ll delete your post if you don’t say he’s a rapist. That’s how these sites work now.

Jesus Christ.. he isn’t blaming her.. He is reminding everyone that you need to be aware what is going on around you. Situational awareness is important for everyone. The Police know that many would see the story and took the opportunity to remind all y’all of that..

she is garbage and I’m glad she’s dead

She killed a child. She didn’t drop the child off at a police station. She didn’t drop the child off with family. She dropped the child off a building. She was the worst abuser.

You’re defending the murder of a child?

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

Plenty of rich Asian people in California as well.

I’m getting tired of this trope that white people are the only ones who can be rich.
Are there disproportionate rates of poverty between POC and white people? Sure, but this hot take that it’s for “Rich WHITE People” is bullshit.

“Cis” men and “Cis” women. She means men and women.

But some peoples’ eyes aren’t blue and some people don’t have eyes and some people don’t have hands so if I knit this and wear this in a year from now will I be reading think pieces about how I’m racist and ableist?

Omg, it’s a freaking movie, not a civil rights revolution. How about you get your kids to watch a documentary or read a book about MLK? Ya know, an REAL pioneer for African American rights.

So this dumb meme is racist? I think the meme is dumb as hell but racist? Get a stick out of your ass dude, How is it Mocking Ugandans when there are plenty of Ugandans that enjoy the meme and joke about their own culture in a similar way. You’ve heard of the movie Who killed captain Alex right? Well their Ugandan

And herein lies the problem with calling everything “racist.” You have an obscure image that is vaguely racist as long as you have the correct racism decoder ring, then it’s time to cry racism over an innocent post (I can’t even call it an “innocent mistake” since there is no mistake there).

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

Apologies in advance, Patricia, as this is going to come off more harshly than I intend. As best as I can tell, the only people who care about this are the same people who complain about Peach in Mario games, which is to say opinion writers. The other 99% enjoy the games for what they are and all the traditions large

A truly irritating, unappealing show. That lead character was so horrible and unfunny and, most importantly, boring and one note. I was very surprised it had a second season...or ever got picked up.

The worst thing on Netflix that I’ve ever started to watch.  And I get bored and don’t sleep much at night so I’ve watched a lot of garbage, lemme say.