
Uh, a whole lot of Republicans didn’t vote either. Be careful what you wish for.

Calm down.

You’re scaring the women and children.

Pence is way, way scarier. He’s a competent politician and demagogue. He really will go after the gays and women’s rights.

Yet again, great work Hillary camp. Great work.

Unless Hillary decides that destiny thinks ‘3rd time’s the charm!’ and sabotages us all again.

I hope you’re right, but trusting our fate to the Senate Democrats (with the exception of Warren and Schumer) is a lot like hoping your corgi will protect you from a bear.

They’re goddamn disgraces.

(not the corgis they’re cute and they can’t help their stubby legs)

Yeah democracy sucks. Let’s have a bunch of people arbitrarily decide to change the outcome of a free election. That always is a sign of a great country.

Yeah he sometimes gives a good speech and then goes back to getting sodomized by Mitch Mcconnel non-stop when he isn’t actively blowing the guy like it’s his first day in gay porn.

Harry Reid is just as milquetoast as you imagine. He’s a sniveling coward of a politician that caves time after time after time. He

America has terrible taste and when someone talented and articulate comes along the powers that be rig the game to make sure they fail.

“So you have a record of incompetence and scandal and you rigged the democratic process to nominate you and tons of people are warning us that you’ll never defeat your opponent? Fuck yeah you’re our nominee.”

-58,000,000 people

Maybe he just has a resting uncooked dough face.

Also, every single time you write about all the reasons why he’s so pathetic it just reminds me that your hand-picked candidate just got her ass kicked by him.

Hey maybe he’ll abdicate and then we’ll have the JOY of Pence being President. You women will love that.


Well remember that this isn’t Trump’s list. This is his advisers cobbling together something where they actually want a few things to happen and put a whole lot on there to make Republicans happy (like term limits) and some stuff to make Democrats happy.

They know most of this stuff won’t fly with the Congress (even

Both those things are very expensive and I’m never for jailing more people when every single non-violent drug offender (in for possession) should never have been in jail in the first place.

But having illegals in the country costs, too. Yes, they do some of the shitty jobs that Americans don’t want to do, but having

I agree that it is not an all-bad wish list, from a liberal point of view, but he’s really not a successful businessman.

Ironically, I dont think a successful businessman would do well, either. Running the country is nothing like running a business. But a PT Barnum huckster who can stir the pot and convince people?

Now the response to how Kotaku rarely injects politics into their writing is. . . Cecilia who does nothing but. 24/7

Totilo is a real great editor. Really has a handle on things. Especially that ‘honesty’ thing.

There’s ‘privilege’ again!

You people are like a broken record.

Do you have any original thoughts of your own or do you just regurgitate the four buzzwords you learned in your frosh social sciences class over and over?

*Citations needed.

You pulled the ‘p-card’. It’s like the first one to bring up Hitler.

Will your next post be about Hitler?

Politics pops up ‘sometimes’ in your writing?

Are you taking the piss?

You know identity politics and gender politics still have the word in their name, right?

Or are you people so far down the rabbit hole with your Orwellian Marxist lens you really can’t even see it anymore?

You ranked Contra in your bottom 3?

Doesn’t hold up? Yeah what a terrible co-op experience with your friend. Not balanced at all with the best run and gun 2D shooting that is still the standard 30 years later.

you’re right. What a piece of shit.

Oh and Star Tropics? Okay, but waffling and very overrated.

There it is. THe heavy hand of the authoritarian.

You said something insensitive! You are to be punished as harshly as possible! No teachable moment! No learning empathy for you you little fucking racist! Go over there and fucking die!

Four days later, ‘hey kid you’re going to vote for my candidate right? ya