
Yeah I’m sure you encouraged furious republicans to ‘stay on the streets and fight back’ when Obama was elected. Right?


Know what else didn’t get majority popular support? The Civil Rights Act. Guess you would gladly argue that it should never have been signed, huh?

But if Hillary had only won an electoral decision and not the popular I wonder what they’d be stating?

You can’t have it only our way when you lose. Brexit losers don’t get a do-over election and Hillary supporters don’t get to only now decide that this electoral college thing is just the worst.

Grow up, children.

Wonderful. I’m sure the students that don’t subscribe to your personal ideology really feel safe in your classroom. I’m sure they don’t self censor and wonder if you will fail them for speaking their mind. THey know the path you have chosen for them to follow and that is just that. But you used words like ‘love’

As a teacher you job is not to push an agenda. You are supposed to be teaching them critical thinking skills so they can think for themselves. You help them with empathy so they can understand others. And you give them facts (no not those kind of ‘facts’ Jezebel) to arm them for the real world.

And that’s it.


You people are so dramatic.

They lack empathy so I cut them out of my life and hate them now! Grow a heart your terrible person! Learn some kindness, asshole!

It’s amazing to see such people with a total lack of self awareness.

You are actually crazy.

Scary crazy.

No different at all from those lunatics who hoard guns because they think a secret Marxist/Islamist Obama is coming for their guns.

You are insane.

Huh almost like a respectable female candidate with no sordid past, someone who will win the military vote, and might excite young progressive voters.

I remember when Jezebel and Buzzfeed were bashing the shit out of her for supporting Sanders over Hillary.

Keeping it classy, Erin, keeping it classy.

But like all modern Progressive movements there will be no focus, nothing to really fight for other than a hundred different projects ranging from protecting endangered mice to reparations. And it’s supporters will throw around words like ‘racist, sexist, rape, pedophile, and Hitler’ as if they were Mardi Gras beads,

Maybe, but maybe it’s worth it to see smug assholes like you lose your shit now after lecturing the rest of us mouthbreathers about how hillary was a shoe-in and you were on the right side of history, blah, blah, blah.

Also, Violet Baudelaire hated liars. Don’t think she’d be supporting Hillary.

It’s almost like if she’d spoken to liberal values the liberals might have voted for her or something.

Citation needed.

I remember 2000 very well when Nader ‘stole’ the election from your barely-liberal Al Gore.

The two parties don’t have a monopoly on votes, but people like you are the exact people that have pushed us to this brink. This is on you. These terrible candidates that no one wanted. This terrible, broken system that is

I get a feeling you say ‘fuck my dad’ a lot. Even while he’s cutting checks to pay for your car, paying off your student loan, etc.

But he didn’t support your special candidate and exercised a will of his own. Fuck him! This is America! You vote how we tell you to!

Did you honestly just suggest depriving voters of different choices?

More than Johnson or Stein ever could your terrifying brand of Marxist fascism is what drove people to the polls against you. You people are legitimately psychotic and the sane people of this country will never follow you and you will always come

Working with good people to solve problems rather than just demonizing anyone who disagrees with you on any slight issue?

Yeah, good thing the Left wasn’t pushing this before the race. Might have won then.

already eating your own.

Don’t forget 1 in 4 Asians and 1 in 4 Hispanics. What do you have to say about those race traitors?

Yeah you people really fucked it up, huh?
Your reporting on Jez did more to energize Trump’s supporters than any Fox News special could have.

Great work.

Thanks for giving us liberals HIllary. Thanks for guaranteeing victory over that joke, Donald Trump. Thanks for attacking all the Sanders supporters non stop and then trying to shame them into coming out for your candidate.

It worked out really well, Anna.