Yep the concentration camps are already being built.
You got it.
Yep the concentration camps are already being built.
You got it.
Talk down to us again about how Hillary was a total lock and those Bernie Bros were crazy saying she couldn’t beat Trump. Please dig up those old articles.
True, both candidates are godawful.
That sort of smug, liberal arrogance is exactly the reason why I didn’t show up for your candidate. The ‘oh you poor little fools just dont understand the big bad, world, tsk tsk’ crap is exactly why Trump is doing well.
You can shove your condescending tone right up your ass along with your candidate losing to the…
You really think those votes would have gone to Hillary? The Libertarian votes were for Hillary?
I dont want Trump as president but it is awful fun to watch your smug ass squirm.
Hey write some more articles about ‘relax Dummies, Hillary will surely win’.
Tell us again how Hillary was a lock and those Bernie Bros were crazy when they said she couldn’t beat Trump in a head to head match up.
Please do.
The 7 people that still play this game must be having some real intense debates.
That’s funny.
If only a responsible adult had been monitoring Hillary’s emails. . .
Goddamn, I didn’t know ‘awkward virgin calls his 1st black girlfriend the n word in bed’ had an official video.
I mean that would be nice, but I remember your kind lecturing us all about Brexit and how that totally wasn’t going to happen.
So. . .
If Hillary thought it would increase her chances of winning she’d munch rug and scissor in a heartbeat. If she thought it would increase her chances she’d happily pass laws that make being gay illegal.
The problem with Hillary Clinton is that all conspiracy theories have real legs because she’d burn this country to…
So if the game takes away all control then you bitch about being forced to watch non-interactive cut scenes. Or the developers give you full control and suddenly there’s a brand new game mechanic that they have to explain in the middle of all this dramatic stuff and you bitch about that (I’ve never had to do this…
He was good in it, just not needed.
If you want an all Japanese awesome Samurai movie just watch 13 Assassins.
What is it like not having a soul?
Reread what you just wrote and try to explain that to humans.
I hope not. I can’t wait to bone my Lucy Liu bot.
That’s one of the big reasons I left my fiance. She was so fucking negative. We were sitting in a hotspring in Iceland and all she wanted to do was complain about the other people there. And that was 24/7. Jesus fuck.
Or maybe the shows are creating conflict, which fuels all drama, and people with far too much time on their hands and only first world problems to deal with are projecting their own self-loathing in an attempt to virtue signal to the world that they’re not as vile as they truly are inside?
But I’m sure you’re right. …
Holy shit. I guess you want to just set all of Gizmodo on fire right before you leave for a better gig, huh?
I kept waiting for the reversal where you revealed you were trolling us and linked us to three kotaku articles about stare rape, four jezebel articles about the fat-shaming robots on Westworld, and twenty io9…