If only such things were available on youtube. Some sort of ‘let us play the game’ type videos? Ah well, we can only dream.
If only such things were available on youtube. Some sort of ‘let us play the game’ type videos? Ah well, we can only dream.
Maybe no one listens because it’s self evident.
GASP you mean that a large group of people will always contain assholes? NO! WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?????
Like, no shit, man. Welcome to the world.
Unlike fans of football, soccer, celebrity fangirls and fanboys, etc. etc. ?
Any fandom that gets big enough huh?
Including the echo chamber on your kinja?
Correct the Record pays in cash or bit coins? What are the hours like?
Does Correct the Record pay well?
Glad to see you’ve sold out since then.
I know, that MLK guy kept talking about civil rights for YEARS. Like give it a rest, bro. No big deal, right?
But you’re super cool, southpark. Tell us how cynical and wise you are.
Did Trump ever refer to young black men as super predators and encourage legislation that sent many teenagers to prison for life in federal pens?
Did Trump support and vote for multiple wars that have killed quite a few innocent, poor brown people?
I’m not remotely saying Trump is a good guy, but claiming HIllary is…
She was banned from facebook for having an opinion any doctor would have?
Your little cult of fat identity politics is the saddest, most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. Even compared to near toothless, hillbilly, methhead Trump supporters, you people take the cake. And you eat it, too. Then you talk about how proud…
So now you’re not even pretending not to steal from Buzzfeed?
Also ‘regular’ is sad here.
If I posted ‘regular’ men with neckbeards, saggy tits, and a belly that spilled over so far they looked like Peter Griffin I have a feeling people would say ‘damn son, put down the fork’.
Stop trying to normalize obesity. …
Unlike that mecca of civilization known as Cleveland and its burning river?
Or that dashing, fun city of Dayton where people would kill themselves to escape it but if you kill yourself hell is just ending up back in Dayton, Ohio.
Your state sucks.
Ha, that’s pretty funny.
Because it’s fucked up and insensitive and just the sort of shit teenagers do. They should get a talking to, their history teacher should actually teach them some American history, and that can be the end of it.
But no. The outrage machine fronted by Timothy Burke (who is totally not…
Like the time he sexually assaulted a young intern? Or do you think there was a balance of power between the most powerful man in the world, her boss, the commander of the US military and some 20 year old girl?
Is that ‘pseudo’?
Well if Trump did nothing wrong then there is no guilt from settling out of court and if Hillary did nothing wrong there is no reason to worry for investigating even more of her emails from the thing she was warned not to do (because it was likely illegal) that she did anyway.
Just going to point out yet again that if Bernie Sanders hadn’t been ‘finessed’ out of the nomination he would now be leading trump by 20 points, no one would be wondering if our first female President would also be the first President to be indicted on day one of her presidency, and you all could take solace in that…
That’s a bummer, but I didn’t come to deadspin to read a short novel.
Also, your click bait title seems at odds to you wanting to create sympathy for someone based on their professional journalistic talents.
We already have an Onion, Ham. And they try a little harder, too.
So they have a problem?
I mean if you put ‘but they drink too much to get married’ instead of ‘they dress up in costumes too much to do a normal human thing’.
Brian Ashcraft lecturing Japanese people on their inappropriate clothes one day and then Brian Ashcraft lamenting ham-fisted censorship that he helped foster the next day.
Keep it class man and keep telling them yellow people what is wrong with their culture. As a White Westerner you surely know best.
Um maybe the person with the word SEX in their user name shouldn’t go talking about triggers.
I was sexually assaulted twice and raped once. Your name reminds me of it. Thanks a lot.