
You need to advance a candidate that isn’t a walking satire.

And the other side needs not-Trump.

How about that? Or you could keep going on bitching and moaning that all the morons won’t support your little princess during her coronation because they’re so stupid and selfish and then ‘hey, wait, why aren’t you

To the left of Clinton? Half the time Donald Trump is.

To the left of Hillary Clinton? Bob Dole. John McCain. Ronald Reagan.

Hi, I vote for 3rd party candidates in nearly every local and state election. When none are available on the ballet I write in my own choices.

Am I allowed to complain, yer majesty?

Because I didn’t support a corrupt war hawk?

Yep, I’m going to feel great.

You people act like Trump is Hitler.

How about this: out of the two of them who has made decisions that have actually killed people? Who voted for a disastrous war? Who supported drone strikes on innocent women and children?

Donald Trump is

What do you think the fund raising is used for?

And if you think electing a bunch of third party people at the local level is how we change the national discourse please go explain why places like Wyoming and Montana haven’t lead to a vast policy change.

No, you are.

Give three actual examples of that happening. Pretty sure that would be on the news.

Stop making shit up to perpetuate your political martyr victomhood.

Yeah they’re not the pillars of integrity, good decisions, no-public-speaking-fuck-ups, and pizazz that your girl, HIll is.

Let me know the next time Jill Stein calls all black teenage boys super predators or Gary Johnson gives a series of secretive speeches to Wall St and then lies about it.

Hillary Clinton, if she

The Chinese now are the little emperor generation, they have no chance at defeating the unbridled, fanatical, myopic dedication of young Koreans towards their singular task (studying, medicine, video games, cinema crime drama).

Maybe in the far future when Western fast food and laziness has fully taken hold in SK

Jesus Christ, you just used the word ‘phenomena’. Are you kidding?

You’re reviewing video games, step it down a notch, honey. The Proust seminar is for actual academics.

How dare players want something accessible and fun rather than a dour, disheartening history lesson about the atrocities of war?

And who says that Kotaku is infected with killjoys who want to push their own biases on their readers while simultaneously denouncing others for their perceived biases.

You are a walking


no one is impressed by Olde English namedropping. Just stop.

Yes, college was fun for all of us. Yes, being a literature major was great.

But stop.

The moments where it stumbles morally, you mean.

Like your opinion.

You are not critiquing the game itself, but the, I dunno, thematics? symbolism?

You’re trying to conflate two completely different game modes and complaining they are not tonally consistent.

Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Remember that joke of an article about the guy who hated rock music and Rockband reviewing Rockband 4?

Kotaku: Hmmm, let’s get that one person who hates shooters to review a shooter game.

Print. Perfect.

And if someone made a video game of Hillary being shot again and again in a ‘hilarious’ spray of blood just how many Cecilia articles denouncing the evil gamergaters would there be?

I’m guessing. . . 4.

Agreed. And all those people who might have some real juicy stuff about the Clintons should release that, too?

You’re saying you support wikileaks then?

Personally, I despise Hillary, but I disagree with wikileaks taking a biased stance. But you do you, boo.

Why not just add ‘to death’ at the end of your headline

You really think Gohmert hasn’t already done that. Girl, Gohmert has eaten more glass, clay, dirt, gasoline, uncooked meat, rocks, cat turds, and tin foil than you’ve even SEEN.

How do you think he got all that brain damage?

Awful lot of half-dressed males assaulting your poor female guests with their manspreading packages.

Just think of all the stare-raping that went on here. It triggers me to my core.

I’ll retreat to a safe space since apparently Kotaku is now fully in favor of the sexist patriarchy which demands skin for cosplay.

Well if there was one website who would virtue signal for and stand up for fictional videogame NPCs it’s Kotaku.

Video games, like all fiction, can sometimes pull on your emotional strings, but it’s a pretty weird stance to proclaim that we should all feel guilty for what we did to fictional characters.

Uh. ..

Well Z didn’t start out with non-stop Deus Ex Machina transformations. That shit started in the second half of Namek.

And it was at least a little fresh back then. It wasn’t just all saiyens all the time.

Explain how Super is any better than GT?

When people say that women are catty and obsessed with clothes rather than the substance of things Jezebel is there to prove them exactly right.

Keep on being a stereotype.