Yeah please make this about identity politics to divide all of Trump’s enemies. That’s how we got here in the first place, asshat.
Yeah please make this about identity politics to divide all of Trump’s enemies. That’s how we got here in the first place, asshat.
Has any candidate ever, I mean EVER had a more disastrous run than this guy?
And yet, still, Hillary is barely ahead. Within the margin of error in many polls.
Once again. Good work.
I know and people that like sports always riot and burn stuff down, especially the negros, amiright?
And those ladies with their periods are all dominated by their emotions. They can’t be the scientists or the presidents, amiright?
See what you did?
But only America right?
It’s crazy to me that some people don’t think the world has serious race problems.
Guess what, now that we have many multicultural societies we have many race problems.
What a revelation.
Name a time in history when all races and creeds coexisted like happy little campers.
Name a time in…
I have a real question. Since you only have 1 follower why all the posts to your own little page no one goes to?
Also, I’m beginning to think you’re on the Asberger spectrum so I apologize for my above posts. You’re doing a good job.
Keep up the good work.
The internet is good for your socialization.
Reacting with the dictionary definition? You are young. That kind of response was weak sauce back in the days of IIRC.
When you get a little older you’ll find that people that must resort to being condescending and only zeroing in on grammar, spelling, or supplying dictionary definitions are not, in fact, all that…
K, you go do that. And when the trolls find a way please come back here, tears streaming down your face at the failure of your Jurassic Park.
Trolls. . .ah. . . will find a way.
Yes, constant media coverage and talking about the Westboro Baptist Church really solved those trolls, right? At least we can say we all tried. We didn’t give them exactly what they wanted for years, exacerbating their trolling while doing nothing but making ourselves feel good. Right?
Sophomore year in high school can be a lonely place, right?
Honestly, you have a beautiful sentiment that is clearly coming from someone who is still young and naive. Right now you’re pissed that I would be a ‘troll’ and say such things but you’ll understand in a few years.
And when they get around that? And when the next feature comes up? And? And? And?
Trolls will always exist. People like you will always try to think of ways to show them the door. They will always just climb back in the window. People like you fume and get angry, the trolls get happy.
You feed the trolls. You…
Yes, more moderation, more reining in the speech. Thank goodness.
Oh and ‘create awareness’ what are you a fucking child?
Please go find me one, just ONE racist troll who suddenly changed his ways because tossers like you ‘created awareness’. This is just a way to virtue signal to yourself, to make yourself feel…
Unlike the even-tempered and well-reasoned mob of Kotaku’s kinja. . .
But what if the gamers shitting on him were POC? What if they were disabled? What if they. .. WERE TRANS?!?!
Would you commit seppuku or just go into hiding to deal with your shame?
It’s almost like the author of this jalopnik (?!) article was inventing a reason to post and flat out lied.
So very glad the Gawker crew disseminated to the other sites. Cancer tends to do that.
If a barber did that to me I’d lose my cool, too.
#1) Hanzo is a Japanese character so this is cultural appropriation.
#2) A woman pretending to be a man, but she’s still just a woman is transphobic.
#3) Her overly sexual poses and dress were created for the male gaze and is representative of systemic sexism and rape culture.
Some editorial consistency please,…
Because you PC police see no difference at all between this, an actual 1950s lynching, and someone saying ‘so where are you from?’
Your dumbasses created the Trump movement and even now all you can do is be condescending and obtuse.
That’s been my experience, too. I know even more Asians that want to immigrate to the USA legally and are going through that hellish process. They don’t have much sympathy for the illegals.
If they were white they’d just be racists, but since they’re an immigrant and a POC, too are they just ‘misguided’ or only…
I agree that this is obnoxious, tone-deaf, and racist. More of a fail of ‘comedy’ than anything, but still awful.
I mean it’s not like this guy writes for a website that sees a white 20 year old in a polo shirt and says ‘LOL look at the rapist!’ or sees an older white man as a patriarchal threat based soley on his…
Because someone at Kotaku got a couple of death threats and that has apparently defined his life ever since.
Or as most youtube personalities call it ‘a wednesday’.
Unlike the bastion of good taste and civility that is Kinja where small groups of sad internet sycophants slavishly star up their figurehead’s latest attempt at a dirty pun for the ephemeral feeling of being one with the tribe while others just call everyone racist, sexist, and every other offensive word they can…