Tell that to Anita Sarkeesian, right?
Tell that to Anita Sarkeesian, right?
Fifty years from now Kotaku will still be going on and on about how their one guy got like 3 death threats that one time.
Interesting that ‘toxic’ used here. I can think of quite a few Reddit and Tumblr communities that fit this definition of the buzzword, but I doubt Kotaku would use it on them. They are just…
Jeez you only get paid by the paragraph or something?
Pretty sure the entire JFK conspiracy has a fewer word count.
How about you people stop dictating to other cultures what they are and are not allowed to believe and what language they are allowed to use?
How about you take a deep breath, step back, and realize you are a fucking entitled peon, someone so deeply narcissistic that you think you can dictate terms to one of the…
You mean the flag that only existed to represent one ideological movement and not the country as a whole?
By your logic this would be a South Korean not understanding the controversy surrounding the American flag.
Typical name calling from an alleged murderer of children.
And instead of Persona 5 it was Hitler?
If Japan wants to voluntarily change their flag like Germany did they can.
But they don’t have to. NO matter how much it hurts your widdle feelings.
I’m sure you go around the Korean internet policing all the posts laughing about the two nuclear weapons dropped on Japan,…
So was. . . Korea (please look up what sort of track record they had on women’s rights in the past and their own treatment of prisoners of war when they fought alongside Americans in the war).
So was China.
So was India.
So was Australia.
So was just about every little island in Indonesia.
So was. . . fill in the…
Big talk from a racist and pedophile like you.
Huh, I remember what the Koreans did to the Vietnamese during the Vietnam war. . . they might want to think about their own flag.
And I remember what the Vietnamese did to the Cambodians. Might need to lose that flag.
And. . .yeah, we can go on forever here.
The swastika is still displayed on many buddhist temples,…
Don’t worry, Kotaku will always be there to find something offensive. Even if they have to go through two different languages, across a hemisphere and focus on barely visible shoe pixels.
Kotaku. . . finds a way.
Anyone who unironically uses the word ‘homie’ in 2016 is a tool. Didn’t even need to see him demolish his friend’s stuff.
I don’t disagree with any part of how creepy this is and how just God-awful a human Donald Trump is.
ANd your hand-picked candidate is struggling to stay ahead of him.
You managed to find the one American not currently in federal prison that CANNOT beat Donald Trump by more than a single point. Are you kidding? Is…
You know how you hear those stories of two people who know each other crashing their cars head first on the way to meet each other?
It’s nice to dream.
“Kim you robbed? I’m coming!”
“Kanye, I robbed! I’m coming!”
Then the sweet, sweet sound of steel and glass and the sweetest sound of all: no more Kanye or Kim.
How is (rich person) not in jail for (all the spectrum)?
Yeah, but it bothers him.
Putting Trump on the defensive by pointing out his unbelievable sexism, his shitty parenting, or, most of all, the fact that’s not nearly as rich as he claims he is, is the way to beat him.
You get him flustered and rambling and suddenly he’s no longer the cruel reality star bully always…
You want to show purposeful disrespect for the country by kneeling? That’s your right.
People in attendance want to show purposeful disrespect for you? Dey unedumacated loudmouths! Dey the jerks!
Something tells me these kids will then lobby to replace it with something a little more equal. Something that speaks to the heart of their belief system. ..
Well that Gawker staff of parasites had to land somewhere. . .
Remember when Deadspin did some excellent sports reporting? Yeah, it’s getting harder and harder.
They can acknowledge their right but not support them. I mean they’re allowed to have their own beliefs, too, right?
I support their right to do this but I also think they’re entitled little shits riding fad protests because they lack the follow-through to do anything other than ‘take a knee’ and be all…