
Don’t worry, Kotaku will always be there to find something offensive. Even if they have to go through two different languages, across a hemisphere and focus on barely visible shoe pixels.

Kotaku. . . finds a way.

Anyone who unironically uses the word ‘homie’ in 2016 is a tool. Didn’t even need to see him demolish his friend’s stuff.

I don’t disagree with any part of how creepy this is and how just God-awful a human Donald Trump is.

ANd your hand-picked candidate is struggling to stay ahead of him.
You managed to find the one American not currently in federal prison that CANNOT beat Donald Trump by more than a single point. Are you kidding? Is

You know how you hear those stories of two people who know each other crashing their cars head first on the way to meet each other?

It’s nice to dream.

“Kim you robbed? I’m coming!”
“Kanye, I robbed! I’m coming!”

Then the sweet, sweet sound of steel and glass and the sweetest sound of all: no more Kanye or Kim.

How is (rich person) not in jail for (all the spectrum)?

Yeah, but it bothers him.

Putting Trump on the defensive by pointing out his unbelievable sexism, his shitty parenting, or, most of all, the fact that’s not nearly as rich as he claims he is, is the way to beat him.

You get him flustered and rambling and suddenly he’s no longer the cruel reality star bully always

You want to show purposeful disrespect for the country by kneeling? That’s your right.
People in attendance want to show purposeful disrespect for you? Dey unedumacated loudmouths! Dey the jerks!

Now playing

Something tells me these kids will then lobby to replace it with something a little more equal. Something that speaks to the heart of their belief system. ..

Well that Gawker staff of parasites had to land somewhere. . .

Remember when Deadspin did some excellent sports reporting? Yeah, it’s getting harder and harder.


They can acknowledge their right but not support them. I mean they’re allowed to have their own beliefs, too, right?

I support their right to do this but I also think they’re entitled little shits riding fad protests because they lack the follow-through to do anything other than ‘take a knee’ and be all

Nerd culture is a viscous and cannibalistic thing.

Beats me. TLA is better, but LOK is great, too. Why can’t we enjoy both Joel and Mike, Picard and Kirk?

Season 3 man. Trust me. It’s awesome.

Ever want to see what an evil air bender is capable of? Want to see a cadre of villains with an interesting purpose?

Metal bending cities.

Lava bending.

Combustion woman.

Baby air bison.

Season 3 is quite good. So is season 4, for the most part.


The perfect TV show.

Every person should watch this. Doesn’t matter if you don’t like cartoons or you don’t like fantasy or whatever. It’s just awesome.

I rewatched it with my ex (who had no interest at all in fantasy, martial arts, etc.) and she was just enthralled. Also, she despised Zuko for two seasons

That right there. . . that liberal disdain and arrogance is exactly why Trump is doing well.

Same thing the Remain folks said about the Leave folks. How did that work out for them?

People like you are the ones violently protesting Trump events, threatening people (when you’re not calling for a fascist takeover where

I’ve taught fifth graders.

Trump would have lost a debate against them, too. And then been bullied out of the middle school until he was crying in the bathroom and someone has to get me to check on him since I’m a male teacher. Then we got to go to the office and call his mom to come get him and he sits in that

See: George W, Sarah Palin, Louie Gommert, et al.

Republicans really pick some wordsmiths.

Hillary: Long, rambling answer full of platitudes. Seventeen mentions of the trials and tribulations of being an oppressed woman. Then names seventy four leaders from every possible political stripe so she can address every demographic. Accidentally also names several donors that she has promised help take over

Doesn’t matter. Still more qualified than Trump and more trustworthy than Hillary.

I mean, I’m not going to vote for him, but there is no ‘gotcha’ moment that will ever make me support Hillary Clinton.

If Jill Stein really is anti-vac I don’t care. I still trust her not to try and steal my kidneys. Hillary? I’m

Jars of Clay was the one good one right?

Also, I’m not sure which would be worse for a roomate: finding Jesus or joining a greek society.

Not my roommate but my friend’s across the hall. And not a horror story, except maybe by us.

This guy, we called him Stanky (it was the nickname he told us to call him) was a fine dude. Very country.

Then one day he vanishes. Like he’s just not there and this was before everyone had a cell phone and none of us