I imagine plenty of people have laughed at him.
Essentially everyone that he couldn’t fire.
I imagine plenty of people have laughed at him.
Essentially everyone that he couldn’t fire.
So this is the answer to: just what would Lego have to slap its name on to make most people want nothing to do with it?
Also, I notice that Melissa Mccarthy has typical, unrealistic Lego body. Way to fat shame Fahey.
It looks okay. Not great, but interesting. But my ‘meh’ feeling is indicative of the reception, too.
Yeah because no man ever has a ‘woman listening face’ when some nearby female is ranting and raving and essentially acting like a crazy person and you just are trapped because she’s your girlfriend, family member, boss, person in a subway car that is going off on their phone in public.
Trump is unbearable, but…
You better hope he’s ‘broken’ because otherwise you jackasses that foisted HIllary on the rest of us with your guarentees on how she would crush Trump will need to do some explaining to this lead pipe.
Then again, I’m sure Burneko will just fence sit like he always does. Easy to never be wrong and always be smug when…
Pretty sure Kotaku has a dozen articles about how Lovecraft was basically Hitler so don’t hold your breath for news on this site.
Yeah that must be it.
It isn’t things like this:
Because Bill is a great liar and Hillary can’t talk her way out of a plastic bag. If she tanks in the debate it’s because she’s a pretty shitty public speaker.
God, can you imagine the bloodbath if Elizabeth Warren was debating Trump? The joy. The validation. The likable, electable candidate. . .
Ah the old ‘all these other races and sexes are so much smarter than the dum white man’
What has dum white man ever given the world?
If you think Trump’s supporters delusionally believe he’s some kind of anti-establishment business guru you’re right. And you then have to recognize that HIllary’s supporters thinking…
Yeah, but this is just a rule, it’s not outright cheating. So just a semi-chub
I’m confused. When a woman designer creates sexualized video game characters for the ‘male gaze’ it is an example of rape culture and pervasive sexism but when a woman sexualizes and objectifies herself for the ‘male gaze’ she gets a nice, even-handed article on Kotaku?
A little consistency in your shrill social…
I dont think they’re interested in winning the most hated game of all time award.
No one found a Gusto or Joyful? Their menus have pictures.
Good ol’ Family Mart. I remember paying my bills there and buying Dragonball Z figures.
I’ve been to a lot of different countries and I’ve never had a problem finding food in restaurants. I think many visitors are just mousy and don’t want to pantomime or…
Haha, it goes from hyperbolic Hitlering to strange personal attacks.
How about this: Hillary Clinton only has any money and success by riding the coattails and dick of her husband. He was elected governor, he was elected President, he got the Democratic establishment to elect her senator in New York, he founded the…
Because Gawker is fair and balanced?
This is news, in the liberal sphere, but only shocking to liberals because they have not heard of Correct the Record in their own echo chambers.
The Democrats do it, the Republicans do it.
On one hand, I hate money in politics so I guess I should be happy this guy Ive never…
Says white guy who posts blog posts on popular games site that somehow breaks editorial form just to cover his political opponents or do low-level doxxing of private citizens (in between its parent company being decimated by releasing sex tapes and rape tapes onto the internet). Said white guy still is privileged…
So it’s just Correct the Record for the alt-right? Gotcha.
Hard to get worked up about this since he’s a private citizen and not the presidential candidate himself. You know, like Clinton is and her campaign’s continued hiring of shit-posting trolls like Correct the Record?
I’d rather the whole lot of them be…
Who cares if a stranger is ‘alienating’?
Why do you people put so much stock in what strangers say or think about you? Why are your egos so fragile?
People do not, ever have the right to touch someone else if they don’t want to be touched. Period.
People do have the right to shit talk if that is allowed. If…
Nor does ‘toxic femininity’ have to be part of Kotaku. But here we are.
Write another article all about how you’re feeling so offended and the censors and your kinja white knights need to come running to confirmation bias your victim world view.
Fucking is a gendered expression that is part of rape culture. Going to need to apologize, playa. Or are you a fucking hypocrite?